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    So I stopped in here the other day and I must admit I was in the mood for some good chicken. The chicken was pretty good but some of the pieces were really small so I didn't like that but the breast was at least a double d haha but yeah the sides were blah..fries were pretty good but the ketchup was not heinz and in this area heinz is the standard IMO. I would go back ....I love chicken and white fence farm is good chicken...I thought for 11 dollars a person we should've received a little more food but the coke was good. Worth stopping in because the food is good.

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    Wait... I never reviewed WFF? Good lord, what an oversight. Ok, if you want excellent fried chicken, luscious corn fritters, and tangy coleslaw, go no further. Love this place. It's all good, even the bright yellow gravy that comes with the mashed potatoes. In comparison to Mini Hut, the chicken is a 'gimme.' It's a purely subjective choice. But WFF wins on sides: fritters, slaw, etc are all 5 star. And the remodel is very nice and a long time coming.

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    Went here for the first time in at least 10-12 years - was at my mom's and we decided to get carryout from this place. The last time I was there I recall the chicken really being outstanding - juicy with a batter that set it apart from most fast-food chicken places.

    Sad to say, it isn't so anymore - at least on the night I went. The chicken was juicy, but it was also pretty dark in color - my mom even said that it wasn't what she was used to (her and my brother get chicken there fairly often). The sides were nothing to write home about - the mashed potatoes were really pretty low quality with a chicken gravy that looks so iridescent that a Geiger counter could probably detect radio-activity in it.

    From the look of the other reviews, I seem to be in a minority - but I just can't rate this place higher than 3 stars - actually it would be 2, but the fritters were pretty different and really good.

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    Fritters!! Legs, thighs and breasts too! Get your mind out of the gutter, we're talking chicken. I could swear I wrote a review for this place before, but for some reason it's not here.

    In short order, decent chicken not highly seasoned. Reminds me of a simple homemade version, what I like here are the fritters, I know they're fried carb balls with corn bits, but I like them. Their slaw is on the vinegary side which I also like, it has a bite to it. This is the first time I ordered some fries, I usually get the mash as they call it for short. The fries seem to be made with the same batter that they use on their fish, it's more like a crunch coating then a crisp light brown like McDonald's, or maybe you can think of it as a tempura coating. I don't get the color of their gravy though, it's sort of a light lime green yellow, tastes okay but I find it disturbing to look at.

    I have to admit, I don't go here often, a few times a year at best, however I have been coming here since '05. Over the years I've found them to be very consistent. They also added some more eat in counter space and tables, I think they did that last year or maybe the year before.

    The menu is limited, chicken, fish and shrimp, and your requisite carbs for the sides. It's a great place to go if you need mass quantities of chicken for a party or work lunches, I think you can order 50 pieces for just over a buck a piece, not a bad deal, comes with five dozen fritters, which I'll gladly take off your hands if you don't like them.

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    Stick with the fried chicken and fritters...skips the sides nothing special. Greasy taste and good flavor without overwhelming grease.

    You know this place is good because they are not open until 4pm, not open on Monday's, and closed for the winter( hello riverside is not a summer vacation town). Why aren't you open for lunch? It is the gd 21st century!

    Regardless I get cravings for this chicken that only wff can satisfy. Sure Popeyes has more flavor, and you can't beat brick cooked Amish chicken, but for cracker crusted fried chicken this is the place.  I think kiwis call it cracklin.

    I would give it 4 stars but it is just carry out, and my wife says I'm stuck in a four star rut.

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    So, the boy was surprised when I said I had never been here.  We went for his mom's birthday because, well, that's where she wanted to go since she hadn't been there in a while!  The concept of this place (reading the history and checking out the mementos in the "museum") is good and I was excited to try it!

    To keep things positive let's begin with the things that I really liked!  The chicken and the corn fritters!  

    I can't have greasy food... The fried chicken was juicy without being greasy.  The skin was crispy and tasty!  They did a really good job with this!  I was a little disappoint with the breast as they were dry and everything else turned out perfectly!

    The corn fritters are like nothing you've ever had! They are the size of your thumb (maybe smaller).  The inside is soft with a few bits of corn which add just a hint of sweetness to the batter.  The outside has a bit of a crunch and is dusted with powdered sugar!  The sweetness is just intensified now!  They were these evil little bits of goodness!  I ate too may for sure and only had room for a couple wings of chicken!  The rest went home with us!

    Now for the things that I was disappointed in... These are things that I really thought that they could have made fresh or put some more effort into considering the history and popularity of the place!

    They serve some side salads with the fritters.  They are not homemade.  They are really nothing special.  They could have left them off the table... Coleslaw (too much vinegar), kidney bean salad (mayo based), pickled beats, and cottage cheese.  Find a couple of really good things to make fresh instead!  Keep it fresh!  A side salad or a soup option...

    They give you a choice of potatoes... The mashed potatoes are from a box.  Why?  Real mashed potatoes are not difficult to make!  The gravy that comes with them is neon yellow... I didn't come within 10' of it!  It came from a can!  Why?!  The french fries didn't look bad though there are probably other options that could've been offered up too.  I got the baked potato.  It looked as though it had been baked that morning and sad in a hot pan for the rest of the day waiting for me... They only offer you butter and sour cream to go with it.  A few other options for the baker would've been nice too!  I didn't see the steamed veg, but I think I might be glad I didn't after seeing the potato options!

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    We got a family-sized fried chicken dinner with sides of hot corn fritters (which reminded us of donut holes), a very crunchy coleslaw and mashed potatoes with a chicken-based gravy (not my favorite kind of gravy, but no complaints).  All for less than $20.  We'll be going back, often!

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    White Fence Farm has amazing fried chicken. It could be the best in the Chicagoland area. Their hush puppies and french fries are great as well. This place may be a bit out of the way from downtown Chicago, but it's definitely worth the trip.

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    Love this place for fried chicken, but their killer item?  The "hush puppies".  They're not really hush puppies in the traditional sense, but more like hush puppy shaped and sized donuts.  They sprinkle them with powdered sugar and they are FANTASTIC.  Haven't been in a while....and now I have to wait for them to open in the spring :(  Oh well - well worth the wait.

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    Not as salty lately. Love it. Bean salad is killer. We eat this chicken almost every week!

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    Great fried chicken, plus mashed potatoes. So good! I live nearby, but I got takeout and then drove to the north side in Chicago to share with my friend. She loved it too and said it was really good cold the next day!
    Definitely go there, order when you arrive, the wait is not long at all.

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    Best fried chicken ever! Crunchy on the outside and juicy and flavorful on the inside.. Never had any chicken like it...

    Awesome corn fritters...

    No phone orders but its pretty quick...

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    Excellent chicken and sides. Can't pre-order but the prep time is fast. Stay away from the flagship sit down version further south. That was is awful, this one was great.

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    I agree with Julian W.

    Not enough seasoning for the chicken.

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    The chicken was fresh and quick, but not seasoned enough (or maybe that's a good thing, as to not run the risk of being salty).  The fritters were fine, as was the cole slaw.  The mashed potatoes, however, were uninspired.  I did appreciate the service and demeanor of the staff.  I'd go back the next time I'm in Berwyn/Riverside (and I'll make sure to pack some hot sauce).

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    my husband & i have been hearing about this place a lot lately, so we ventured down harlem for a little chicken adventure.  we ordered the 1/2 chicken dinner to share (because i thought i wasn't hungry).  we couldn't wait to eat it, so we ate in the car.  in the parking lot.  thankfully our sporks came with a wet wipe!  this chicken is soooo juicy it dribbled onto my husband's shirt.  the skin is thin and perfectly crisp and so. darn. tasty!  the corn fritters were good, but i've had better.  the mashed potatoes were excellent, but strange...almost as if there was butter in the gravy???  i don't know, but i don't care.  i'm going back for the chicken.  tomorrow.

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    When you can't get to the sit-down mother restaurant in Lemont, this little outlet on Harlem Avenue will do the trick! Get a little bit of country food in the city. Fried chicken tastes like it just came from the farm and the side dishes are all spectacular.

    Here's a hint - if you are as in love with the corn fritters as I am, don't order too many! No matter how many dozen you order - THEY DON'T COUNT! You will ALWAYS get 1-2 dozen "extras" in your bag. Yum!!!!

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    Fresh chicken. Really good. They are closed for a few months in the winter.

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    OK, where the hell are the chickens?
    Are they out back?
    Is there a hen house nearby run by that American Gothic painting couple "visits" before frying up fresh daily?
    At least that's what it tastes like.
    The skin is good that you kind of would be satisified with mediocre meatiness below the surface. But you don't have to settle.Wow. Wonderful fresh flesh to devour.
    Great driving food when you're stuck in horrendous Harlem Ave. traffic.
    And those fritter tickle my fancy and renew my appreciation of corn.
    Viva la corn!
    Viva la cluck-cluck!

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    I want to cram entire pieces of their fried chicken into my mouth and immediately pull out shiny de-meated bones, ala cartoon style.

    The skin is so perfectly crunchy, salty and flavorful, and the sweet and juicy meat left dribbly wet trails down my arms. And you best believe I licked em - while driving. This stuff is the shit - the real deal - gold - better than Pollo Campero even. Really? No doubt. I instantly regretted only getting a two piece, but at the exact same time I was instantly grateful I didn't get more for the sheer sake of my health.

    Only $12 for two 2-piece meals with sides in a red and white gingham checked paper box, and a big extra bag of their sugary fried corn fritters. Luckily their totally wack, weird ass hours will probably make my trips here rare - open 4 pm to 8 pm on the weekdays and 12 pm to 8 pm on Saturday, but closed on Monday. And sometimes maybe other times. In fact this place has beckoned me for years and I wasn't able to try it before today, which is really probably for the best. Really.

    Their menus/literature touts pressure cooking and then flash frying only fresh chickens and a secret recipe for their deliciousness - and amazing lack of greasiness. Whatever man, just hand it the hell over. But just the chicken and maybe some fritters and maybe maybe some of their chicken fried fries, but the rest of their sides - especially the school cafeteria mashed potatoes - are weak. Just get more chicken.   And be sure to eat it when it's hot.

    I've had the chicken at their original Romeoville location, and honestly, I wasn't so wowed over there, but here? I bit my nails off and ate them afterwards. I did that. While Gus's in Memphis remains my favorite fried chicken in the country, this bird that I had tonight is easily now on my best list and a taste test might be in order - Eat this.

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    I give this place an overall good. Judging the place purely on the merit of the chicken , I have to say as far as fried chicken goes , it is near the best I've had. Sadly , I'm less than thrilled with the mashed potato's , which are an important measuring stick for me and fried chicken places. The potato's are just average , but the gravy really ruins it for me , not great. The slaw is decent , but way too soupy , I trait I do not enjoy in cole slaw , tastes ok though. The corn fritters are bizarrely appealing to me , they are kinda like cornbread donuts holes , a definite good. All in all , pick up the chicken definitely , roll the dice on the sides , your results may vary. As far as chicken alone goes , 4 stars.

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    I was having dinner with a few people on a Friday night, and wanted something simple and fattening.  Pizza?  Italian Beef?  Ah-ha, FRIED CHICKEN!  Who doesn't love it?  

    Called up to place an order, but they guy told me they don't take phone orders.  "Just come in, it takes like five minutes."

    I was skeptical, and nervous since I was running late.  When I showed up there were four other orders in front of me, all holding tickets and looking nervous.  Thinking back, maybe they were just antsy in anticipation to get their food.

    It took between five and ten minutes, not too bad for two boxes of freshly fried chicken and sides.  Why would anyone ever go the the KFC across the street?  

    The service was quick and as friendly as it can get.  I mean, if I stood in a hot little room surrounded by greasy air all day, I might find myself being a little moody.  

    The chicken in delicious, the mashed potates tasted like instant, and the cole slaw was amazing!  Get the fritters as well, if you like tasty lil' donuts.

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    One of the few things I miss eating even after being a vegetarian for 9 years is White Fence Farm Chicken. They have such amazing chicken. But vegetarians, do not fear. Their hush puppies (I am not sure that is the real name for them but that is what my family calls them, I think they are really called corn fritters) are amazing. Get them hot (they always area). The mashed potatoes are also delicious, as is the chicken.

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    This little carry out White Fence Farm serves up chicken and fritters just as good as their main restaurant in Lemont.  Their menu here is very limited as they only do carry out and can't have the large variety as they do at their main restaurant.  The service was good and they got my order out very quickly.  Since this is so close to home/work, I will definitely be back.

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