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    Best sushi anywhere. Need I say more?

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    I read the help reviews and thought this place would be great. I really wanted it to.... A great sushi place so close to my house.... That would be a plus! However, I went once and was totally unimpressed. The sushi is extremely mediocre. My husband thought it was very average as well. Hoping that we just hit the place on an off night, we went again a few weeks later. Ordered completely different rolls, thinking maybe we just picked the wrong ones before. Still, utterly mediocre. In total, we have tried 8-12 maki rolls. We were unimpressed with all of them. So disappointing, because the place really has a nice atmosphere, I really wish their sushi was better! So, if you want a trendy, cute atmosphere and to pay a lot for very mediocre sushi, this is the place. I unfortunately won't be going back!  Also, those who said its the best sushi and reasonably priced, I am wondering if I ate at the same place as you???? They are quite pricey.... Especially for the very ho hum sushi!

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    I love sushi and this place is as good as anywhere I have been to.... Only giving 4 stars because its a little pricey.  There seem to be alot of sushi bars popping up these days and most of them have a limited menu with subpar product. This is not the case at Wild Tuna, great selection, very fresh and well prepared not to mention a wonderful atmosphere. Although their prices are a little higher you will be disappointed.

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    Best sushi on the planet! The staff is super friendly and fun. My boyfriend and I have been coming here for about 3 years now and every time is a blast. We always sit at the bar, sometimes we will stay eat their or sometimes we stop in have a drink and order our food Togo. The owners really care about their establishment. They have told us how they prepare their sushi and about the ingredients, which makes me feel safe that I will not get sick. I love this sushi bar and would recommend it to anyone.

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    I moved to the area about a year ago and this has been the best sushi I have found in about a 10 mile radius.  It is a little pricy, but you get what you pay for.

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    This place has the best sushi, great drinks and friendly staff! Very reasonably  priced. Try thier spicy seafood miso, amazing!

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