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    We love this place we never miss going when we are in town. It is a great place to just relax and play games while enjoying wine by the glass or bottle as well as beer. The owner is an incredible source of information about wine and his suggestions for restaurants is not to be missed! There are lots of tables but we prefer the bar and the selection of games is incredible. This is a fun place to just hang out ....cheese and olive appetizer tray was awesome.

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    Love this place! Good wine, great wine specials and board games galore! Atmosphere is cozy, staff is super friendly. Plus vinyl and no tv!

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    I don't think there's ever been a time when I have been to Flagstaff that I haven't been to the Wine Loft. It's such a cool space. There are a lot of tables and a bar but the place always seems to be packed which goes to show that people like hanging out there.

    You can order wine by the glass or bottle or look at there selection of bottles and drink one of those. They also serve beer which is nice for those who don't like wine as much. There is a huge list of board games you can choose to play while you drink. I love this spot!

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    It's nice place to hang out for a good time. With the prices of their fancier drinks it's not the best place to go to get drunk. Good selection of import drinks and fancy cheeses with crackers. What really makes this place stand apart from any other bar is it's board game selection. Think of a really big board game closet shelf and that's what they got. A good beer plus good cheese plus a game between friends equals a pretty fun and enjoyable evening.

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    My boyfriend discovered this little gem just a few months ago, and we have been coming ever since. There's a HUGE selection of board games, a great list of alcoholic (beer and wine), non-alcoholic drinks (fancy sodas, hot chocolate, etc.), and a fancy array of cheese and crackers. The atmosphere of this place is always very classy and relaxed, and the owner is very pleasant and knowledgeable about all of the drinks. This is a fun little hang-out and is great for a chill atmosphere.

    Wine of the day is $4/glass and Havarti cheese (my favorite) is $3.10. Bring your own saltine crackers - I think they're much tastier than the fancier ones offered here!

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    Extensive selection of wines and beers. The most amazing thing was their collection of boardgames. It was a Hipster joint, but it wasn't pretentious. Wish They had more offerings of food.

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    super rude and condescending staff. run of the mill wine selection that mirrors Costco and Trader Joes. haughty owner speaking down to everyone. nothing like a big, well small to medium, fish in a tiny pond. ZERO HANDICAP ACCESS!!! PLenty of other places to go and be treated as if you are a welcome addition as opposed to a bother. overpriced and overbearing with the pervo owner hitting on young girlies all the time. CAN YOU SAY CREEPY!!!!!!!!

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    Great wine and beer.  Great place to meet with friends.  They have a plethora of board games.  When there isn't live bluegrass, the staff plays their IPOD, which usually has good music on it.  The atmosphere is a little weird, it has the feeling of a converted office...though the lights are often dimmed quite low; the overall lowness of the ceiling paired with its generic white tile design are crying to be remodeled.  A minor complaint for an overall great little wine bar.

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    pricey. Staff is very helpful and this what keeps it from being one star. Just one of the most unremarkable watering holes I've ever been to. skip it. Basically, this is the kind of place Mothra would go. BORING

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    Decent price for a flight of 4 wines and a tasty cheese plate. Knowledgeable staff, great selection, fantastic music choices and damn near 100 board games...

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    High above the valley in Flagstaff sits a wine bar that I will always have fond memories of and you will too.

    I have lived in Flagstaff in the past and I got a chance to go back recently and I am happy to report that not much has changed. Its still an excellent place to grab a great glass of wine. Located in down town Flagstaff its brick structure undoubtedly whispers a story of life, love and the love of wine. What else is there??

    Nights crowed around the front window on the couches eating goldfish are a good night spent in the mountains. Have a meal delivered and celebrate one of Flagstaff's offerings.

    Art shows and occasional events this is my favorite wine stop to take that special someone or hangout for a quick glass of vino in northern Arizona.

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    Love this place. Play battleship

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    I traveled to Flagstaff this weekend to explore the Grand Canyon and surrounding area. Flagstaff has a big college population, so i was looking for something that was slated toward a slightly older crowd. After reading the reviews here, i thought "looks good." Wrong.
    When I walked in the place was empty. The owner was sitting at the bar with his laptop - very unprofessional in my opinon. He was also clearly scamming on a young woman at least 20 years his junior. Love who you want, just don't do it where you work.
    The wine list is good and the Belgian beer selection was good, but the ambiance just sucked.

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    Beer, Wine and Board Game!  What a great night and the crowd is young and entertaining.  This is a safe place to come hang-out for a PG night with friend or family.  The bartender is always very helpful whether you are getting a bottle or just a glass.  They also have a pretty good band selections of some nights and a decent Ipod list for the rest!

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    This place is seriously my favorite place to visit when in Flag. It is super chill, the wine is affordable and the bartenders are great. They have tons of boardgames which I'm also a sucker for. If I lived in Flagstaff I'm sure I'd stop by at least once a week.

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    My boyfriend & I have come here twice now, once per snowboarding season in the past two years.  We come to sip some wine, maybe add some cheese if we have room for food after dinner, and play some awesome board games!  Last year, I got a cheese plate with four different types, but my favorite was Manchego from Spain(which is around $20.99 a pound at Fry's!).

    This year, I could not bare to eat any more food after having teppanyaki @ Sakura in the Radisson Woodlands Hotel where we stayed for the night.  I did get to taste their special for the night-a Tempranillo.  It was very smooth & easy to drink.  I just wish I could remember which vineyard it's from.  My boyfriend asked for the smokiest wine on the menu, but of course I don't recall the name.  I'm still only a wine enthusiast, not yet at the connoisseur level that I want to be!  But just ask the bartender.  They're very knowledgeable & willing to help you find the right wine for you!

    There's also a great selection of beers.  We got a peach-flavored ale.  It was delicious!!  Tastes just like juice.

    I love the atmosphere of this place.  It's on the second floor, and it's dead quiet in the building as you walk up the stairs.  Then you open the doors to groups of people (I'd say in their 20s & early 30s) chattering away & laughing & just having a good time.  There is a wide variety of board games available for you & your group to play as you all drink up & get a lil tipsy!  It's all the more fun that way!

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    The Wine Loft is great - they provide great board games, a huge selection of wines, intimate seating and BYOF-ICTW (bring you own food - it's cheaper that way).

    It's got ambiance and a true downtown Flagstaff vibe to it, it's cozy, you like being here. It's comfortable to explore different wines and beers here and none of the other patrons are obnoxious or loud.

    I have to say I am confused by some of these negative reviews that rant about how the Wine Loft has carpet, the older tables, and the employees. You should probably disregard those.

    If you're going to be disappointed and not enjoy drinking wine here based purely on the flooring of an establishment, I'd probably say you should be wine tasting in Scottsdale, not in Flagstaff. And let's be honest - the reason you're in Flagstaff is because you don't want to be in Scottsdale, right?

    My experience with the employees here has been great, really friendly, and they make great suggestions. When I lived in downtown Flagstaff, I'd come here to escape the rowdy Maloney's bar scene, to get better alcohol and to enjoy the company of the people I was with.

    One of the things I really like about this place is that you can bring your own food - crackers, cheese, bread, etc. so you might be spending more on your drinks but are able to bring whatever you want from wherever you want and save on it.

    So - disclaimer, yes there is carpet on the floor and yes the chairs and tables aren't new or fancy. If you can get past those two things you'll really enjoy yourself.

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    I love the wine selection and board games here! Come here to escape the noisy downtown scene in Flagstaff.

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    If you don't come in here expecting the employees to kiss your ass, you'll have a pleasant experience. The Wine Loft is not the most beautiful or modern space in town, but it's cozy and inviting, the music is fantastic, and they do have quite the game selection - the owner has described his love for digging up uncommon games from thrift stores and elsewhere. Most importantly, considering that this is, above all, a wine store, they have a wide selection of wisely-chosen wines and beers at very reasonable prices (often, less than any other retailer in town.) To those complaining about the $5 corkage fee, consider that most bars would mark up the same bottles of wine by far more than five bucks. The knowledgability of the staff may not cut it for those used to ultra-chic bars in big cities and wine country, but remember, this is the Arizona mountains, not Napa.

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    Some reviewers noted the pleasing ambiance, but I'm not seeing it  Pretty sure they haven't updated anything in here since 1984. Only two tables have a window view, the rest of the place has low ceilings and uncomfortable seating. The staff is either snotty, or bored out of their minds. When I asked about appetizers the bar tender pointed me to a refrigerator with cheese in it. In an effort to not be completely negative on the place, they do have a nice wine and beer list.

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    The only thing this place has going for them is the ambiance and the board games. When it was about a half hour till close, we were rudely told that if we wanted another board game, we had better make a decision fast or else it wouldn't be given to us. The guy at the bar was very impolite and didn't seem knowledgeable. I had fun because I was in good company, but the service was horrible.

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    Has board games and a great beer list as well. Nice ambiance. Cheaper wine glasses than Vino Loco, but a bit more stuffy.

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    I read in the paper while I was staying in Flagstaff that there was going to be wine tasting here.  I killed time until 5:00 when the tasting was to begin.  I walked down to where this place was, went up the stairs.  I'm always excited to taste wine in a place I've never been and get to soak in the atmosphere.  As soon I walked in, I took a look around and the gentleman working behind the bar said something to the effect of, "Can I help you?"

    "Yeah," My girlfriend told him.  "We're here for the wine tast--"

    "That was Wednesday.  The paper is wrong."

    "Oh... kay?" She continued.  "The paper specifically noted today."

    "Yeah, no.  That was on Wednesday."

    We stood there for a confused moment or two.  Most people would have apologized ferociously and cursed the damn paper for getting it wrong, not treat two potential customers like pieces of shit you need to weigh down with toilet paper in order to actually flush successfully.  

    "Hey," I interjected, trying to keep an awkward moment from getting completely weird. "Maybe we can get a bottle of wine."

    "There's a $5 corking fee if you want to drink that in here," he told us.  This guy did not want us to stay.  I likened this guy to Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons, someone who think that they're just all around too awesome and powerful to be bothered by someone stupid enough to come into his bar and expect to be treated with any shred of dignity.

    Fuck this place.

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    Almost walked past this place since it has very small signage and you have to walk up 2.5 flights of stairs.  The set up is very cozy, dimly lit, and quiet for the most part.  The ability to purchase bottles at a fair price made it interesting...set up as a store and a place to drink a bottle.  $5 more to drink it there....um, OK.  I was told where the Malbec section was so I went to the back and looked at their half dozen selection.  Although I did not want to buy the most expensive bottle, the other cheaper options were bottles I did not care for in the past so it was the $25 bottle.  Although I was not impressed by the bottle (it wasnt bad) the bartender told me it was ranked in the Top 200 bottles of 2010 by Wine Enthusiast.  Wish I could remember the name but its the $25 bottle of Malbec.  

    So get this, they have this chalk board of ALL of the board games they offer people to play while there....wow.  I had NO clue there are so many games that I had never heard of.  So while drinking our Malbec at the bar, I got to enjoy a game of Scrabble...

    I like the spot and will be back.

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    Love it!  If you live or are ever in Flastaff, you need to go to the Wine Loft.  They offer great wine (the moscato is my favorite) and beer (or at least that is what I hear), and the atmosphere is calm and conducive to conversation/fun/board games with friends.  I fondly remember many nights I have spent at the Wine Loft playing Scrabble and drinking wine with my good friends.

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    Enjoyed a nice bottle of wine at a great price. Definitely not pretentious, but I wish the bartender was a bit more knowledgeable about the wines. I agree with what someone said about getting a table at the front, the back is a bit cafeteria style.

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    You'd never know this place was there unless someone told you or you were doing something else in the building. Craig and I discovered the wine loft after kevin at the tinderbox told us about it, mostly for their Belgian beer selection. We were out and about and decided to stop on in for a glass of wine and a beer. Their wine list was extensive, and their beer list was pretty good too. They had a list of all their cheeses available, and that was a long one as well. Everything was very fairly priced and the service was friendly. They had a big chalk board with a list of their games. We chose trivial pursuit and asked each other questions while sipping on tasty drinks. A very cool, low-key spot. We'll visit again! Apparently they have live music on week nights.

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    This is a must when visiting Flagtown!

    Bring your significant other or friend and share a bottle of wine or two here while playing board games and just having great conversation.

    Try and grab one of the tables at the very front that overlooks the street below.

    Then pick from hundreds of bottles and bring up to the bartender who will take care of you.

    They have some pretty cool artwork for sale on the walls from the locals and always have some of the local musicians on the playlist including my fav (and former goaltending partner on NAU's hockey team) Nolan McKelvy.

    The ONLY place to go for wine in Flag...

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    Stopped in here with my wine group to quench our thirst one afternoon. Other than one table of 4 at the front, looking out onto the street, we were the only other people there that afternoon. To celebrate a friend's business accomplishments, we decided to order some champagne. We selected one, but rather than wait for it to chill, decided to ask the bartender for his recommendations and if he had them cold. Our first selection was not in the cooler...nor our second. We had a prosecco which wasn't that good. Next choice, which he recommended and said he had cold, was also not in the cooler. Seriously, we watched as he unloaded the bottom shelf of bubbly from the cooler no less than three times! Hey, how about just telling us what you would recommend from what you DO have cold?
    Seating seemed like hand-me-downs from a conference center that went out of business, but at least it was comfortable. They are still working on the building, and the bathroom is located through a back door and and out a hallway, just at the point where you think you must be going out to the fire escape.
    Pleasantly surprised to learn that they have live music, and some interesting acts, at that, so would like to come back to see that, but not the most interesting place for day drinking.

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    If you're going to serve slightly overpriced alcohol, you'd better know your stuff when it comes to a good Australian Shiraz or a nice wheat beer.  And this place totally does, as far as I'm concerned.  Plus, they have "Twixt" which is like one of my favorite games ever.  If I'm ever back in Flag, I'm going to play Twixt with someone at the Wine Loft.

    Relaxing music atmosphere, low lighting and industrial art define the space, with comfortable seating throughout.  Close your eyes and you might think you're at a a bar in a swanky hotel.

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    Local chill...fantastic selection that with consistent new selections.  Great to hang with friends; music is always great, and folks are happy here.

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    You want a bar that is part art gallery, part chill lounge, and serves up expensive wines and beers? Then this is the place.

    Huge, full of games, the staff is very nice, but the prices are a little steep, especially for the beer, which is easily purchased elsewhere in town, and at cheaper prices.

    This is a bar that is more about the atmosphere.

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    I had seen so many cool reviews for this place, I had to visit it!
    We visited after dinner for a glass of wine, some relaxation, and some chocolate from Uncle Buzz.

    The place is huge, tons of seating, a whole list of games, and a giant variety of wine as well as beer!
    Lisa the bar tender was very friendly, helpful and fun!

    I went with an Argentinian Malbec, hubby chose a Merlot.

    The place is cozy, comfortable and unpretentious!!

    It;s upstairs over an art gallery - look for it and enjoy it!
    Side note- the restroom is not their faults - it's part of the building!

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    I love the Wine Loft. Flagstaff chic,casual but nice. Good wine selection for a small town. I love the board game selection and i-pod playlist, nice touches. One of my fav places in Flag!

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    BF and I met a friend here for a drink and to watch his friend play some folk. I don't know much about wine, but the beer list is great! And well priced too! The bartender is super nice, friendly, and knowledgeable. Great atmosphere and huge selection of board games!
    We returned the next day to get a bottle of wine to pair with dinner and were glad the bartender knew what he was doing!

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    The wine loft is great.  It's upstairs in downtown.  It's casual and comfy.  They have complimentary cheez-its, which are sometimes served in a wine glass.  They have a very large selection on wines, plus some other beverages.  The staff are very helpful in picking out wine.  The atmosphere is nice.  It's loud enough that you don't have to be quiet but not loud enough that it's annoying.  There is often live music too.  They also have board games and plenty of seating so you can hang out, play games, and drink some delicious wine.

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    relaxed place to hang out when you are in Flagstaff.  easy going, mellow and lots to let the mind wander upon.  I wasn't too impressed with the medium body by the glass choices but the man liked the Pinot's.  I think I was just in a bad mood so it probably wasn't really anything wrong with the wine.  

    There was an interesting mix of people, one group had brought 2 babies with them to the Wine Loft at 10 o'clock on a Sunday night, that seemed odd to me.  But hey, who am I to judge.  Thankfully I am old enough to not have a faux id, but a word to the wise, they are stringently checking everyone who enters that looks even remotely under 30.

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    Ah, the missing "u." That's what I think of when I remember The Wine Loft. You see, in walking to the restroom past the tables, I saw a Scrabble piece on the ground. I picked it up and placed it on the closest table where two women were playing a game - not Scrabble. I guess at The Wine Loft, Scrabble pieces wander off, for they remarked, "Yeah, we wanted to play Scrabble, but it's missing some letters." Obviously.

    Let's rewind.

    Standing on the corner, wondering where to find this place, a man asked what my friend and I were looking for. Upon telling him, he pointed, "See that blue light. It's right there, up the stairs." Easy enough.

    We walked into the doorway and proceeded up the stairs. We wondered if we were headed in the right direction. The stairway was plain with ugly blue carpeting and white walls. We climbed the stairs. At the top, there was a glass doorway on our left. We walked in to The Wine Loft. We had arrived!

    We snagged a couple chairs near the end of the bar. Upon examining the menu and talking with the woman working the bar, we placed our orders. I went with a light Zin, since we were going to be dining at Pasto later. The wine was very, very good. We noticed their iPod playlist - Wilco, Ryan Adams, Ray LaMontagne. Yes, I could hang here. The music playing overhead was great.

    Upon looking around, there was plenty of seating. There were couches near the window, yet they were claimed. There were plenty of bar stools at the bar, along with bar tables and regular square tables farther back.

    This place truly is a loft - with the layout being one long rectangular shape. Art on the walls warmed up the place, as did the racks of wine.

    Downside: one bathroom per gender. And you have to exit the relaxing decor and re-enter the plain stairway/back storage area. It sort of throws you out of the mood, if you ask me.  

    If I lived in Flag, I'd probably come here about once a week if I needed a place to chill, sip some wine, read a book or challenge a friend to Scrabble, despite the missing letters.

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    If this place was in Los Angeles, it would be packed to the gills and people would be hovering about ready to pounce on an emptying table.  Ahh...but not here in quaint Flagstaff where space at the bar and tables are healthily filled, but still available.  

    The Wine Loft is a charming shelter for oenophiles and their friends.  Picture this: a cozy but subtlely chic coffee-house vibe that is part wine shoppe, part wine bar, but 100% chill place to hang.  It's situated in the small, but delightfully packed downtown area.  However, it's a bit hard to find because it is on the 2nd floor.  You have to go up two flights of quiet dark zig-zagging steps before you enter upon the oenophiles' oasis.  

    Once you enter, you are welcomed by the warm vibe that includes a cozy bar, several tables, and lots and lots of wine.  I happened to walk in on some live music performed by a local band who were pretty damn good.  The atmosphere was festive, yet cozy.  The WL offers up  a list of several board games (the coffee-shop aspect) and lists the albums on the owner's iPod (ranging from the Decemberists to Norah Jones).  The patrons ranged from your typical 20-30s crowd in groups or couples and included a cute geriatric couple dancing/hobbling  the night away.

    On to the good stuff: the wine.  A good range of wines (didn't get to get up and walk around the band to see what they were selling) on the bar menu which included wines from California, Oregon, French, and a few other countries.  I sampled a great French Malbec (never had one even though Malbecs originated in France), a great Oregonian Pinot Noir, and my fave...a Zin from Central Coast that was recently featured in "Wine Spectator."  They were all great and reasonably priced (between $6-10/glass).  The WL also offers some microbrews in a bottle.  The owner/bartender is super-attentive, friendly, and knowledgeable.  Now if the wine would have been accompanied by some good cheese and fruit...it would have been perfect.  But I guess good cheese and fruit always makes everything a touch more perfect.  

    The Wine Loft is a great place that would be able to sustain itself in any major city.  It's even nicer because it's in Flagstaff where the people are nice and no one is trying to one-up each other by bragging about what kind of car they drive, what auditions they just bombed,  or who did their new boobs.  Go, Flag (as the locals refer to it)!

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    Best wine in Flagstaff. If you need a break from the town's funky westerness and want a little urbanity (without pretense), this is the place to go.

    Also, if you have reservations at a nearby restaurant, the restaurants will call you here... nice.

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