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    Wonderful and loved it.

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    The last visit I paid to them since I started Yelping was a good one. They had a band that was tearing up some classic rock. People were dancing on the dance floor. The downside to this venue for me is that it's really dark inside, it needs to be updated. They also don't have any beer on tap, and that's kinda my favorite thing to get in a bar. We were there on friday night, the crowd was a bit "nostalgic", and of course being Carlsbad there was a guy who was ~50 years old with a 20 something year old girl. Creepy to me, but I guess good on him. There was a 5 dollar cover charge per person, but you might get more lucky if you come in a big group. I'd go back, but I wouldn't really choose this bar as my first choice in Carlsbad.

    The guy bartender was very quick and courteous. Always a plus.

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    I won't be back on a Monday night that's for sure!

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    I go there only for the Karaoke. They have a great song collection, quaint performing stage, and an outside patio area. The stereo system sounds great compared to others I have experienced. And the bartenders and KJ are very nice. The reason behind only 3-Stars is that it oddly attracts cougars and outsiders that are obliteratedly drunk. Its the music that draws them in. LOL. Also, I really like the layout of the rectangular bar in the center of the room, but I avoid sitting by it, due to the smell of mildew. But overall, I really like this place and some of the regulars this bar brings in.

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    Bad layout and shady people.

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    Okay, this is about as divey of a marine/cougar bar as you could hope for.  Bad karaoke, sticky carpets and tiny bathrooms really equate to a piss poor night out.

    However?  They're open.  When O' Sullivans, or Pizza Port, or some other place that was cheap and entertaining is closing, I know I can go to The Alley, be amused by its clientele,  and continue to drink.  It serves a purpose, and as long as you're only looking for booze, you're fine.  It's a bar.

    If you want that classy Carlsbad atmosphere, stay the hell away.  There are plenty of other places for that!

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    Cougar central, and they play the music way too loud (I guess that's ok if you're going to be feeling each other up, like a number of patrons, but not the place to be if you want to hang out with friends).  Was not a fan, not my scene, will not be back

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    The place sucks. Just a personal opinion.  Yes, it does still reak of puke. Not as bad as it used to. But after it warms up with people, it smells like puke.  It's a sad situation. The owner must be a person who collects his $$ every month but could give a shit about the fact that bars in Encinitas are 1000% better. Carlsbad needs to give out more bar/dance licenses to get rid of low life places like the Alley. If its not a live band there, the music sucks. The DJ is clueless.

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    Thats ALL I have to say! Sad put true.

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    This place is awesome!  Great band and good drinks :)

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    Great place to go on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday if you enjoy karaoke (singing or watching).  The bartenders know what they are doing and if they like you and you aint a dick, then they pour with a heavy hand.  Karaoke nights seen to attract the the laid back, sociable people.  Though the smell is something left to be desired, after a few shots of liquid courage or a stand outside you will forget about a smell that soon disipates and you are having fun with new friends.  Lets not forget about our hostes' with the mostests Dani Cali At TheAlley and Jessica AtThe Alley (both can be found on facebook).  The best part about karaoke night, NO COVER!  That's right people, you don't have to pay a dime to get in and have fun singing songs like a pro (or a dying cat).  Karaoke nights, you can't go wrong.

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    Boot and Rally is what i call it. Younties, young aunties for all your 30-40 somethings with a Filipino fetish are a plenty. Full bar, no real dancing and a variety of cougars if that's what your into. They have some life music, forgettable bathrooms, dark and dingy with to me watered down drinks. You'll often see some really really young kids drinking here for their cheap drinks and food. The bartenders are cool and have saved me a time or two after closing while hiding from hunters and when all other bathrooms are closed.

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    RAWRRRR! The call of the Carlsbad Cougar echos around what is referred to by locals as "The Wrinkle Room".

    Cougars prowl these grounds nightly, looking for young, hard-bodied marines to prey upon, but you can also find a younger crowd enjoying cheap drinks/food here during Monday night football. I am not one of those people.

    The hot pink neon around the windows makes this place look like a strip club from outside, and inside it smells like one!

    So what would it take to get me to spend an evening at The Alley?

    -A lobotomy.
    -A kidnapping.
    -A Yelp Elite Event...oooh - Cougar-themed Yelp Elite Event Danny? Consider this an RSVP!


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    Live band Saturday... Playing everything from hip hop to early 90s awesomness.

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    Only $5 gets you entry to a hole that reeks of years-old puke.  Lucky you!

    I can relate to Chalfonte's comments on the "security" there, and I too at one point was a fairly regular customer who will never return to the place.

    Did I mention the smell, too?

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    Well I am done with The Alley for good. Sad too cause I felt it was a great place for a little fun on the dance floor and cheap drinks. REALLY gonna miss the band. :(   On Friday night I was there with my boyfriend and this guy (Chandler Bing lookalike circa '95) was by my table acting odd, taking things in and out of his clothes including a pair of flip flops (which I guess is what made me really wonder.), and all of a sudden he snaked my purse out from under my sweater on the table and headed for the door, about 5 steps away. Fortunately I saw him, beat him to the door (yelling many expletives mind you),grabbed his shirt and snatched my purse back and held him by which time my boyfriend grabbed him too and we are calling security for help. Security came, made us let him go, put us out on the street, wouldn't call police, I called police, security let him go. They said "It is not their policy to get involved". Literally word for word. My boyfriend chased him and lost him but then I picked up the chase after spotting him on Grand trying to blend, but unfortunately my 5 in heels preventing me from catching him. Lucky him. This guy had stuff from various people, on his person, caught red handed with a purse saying it's his "friend's purse" and security let them go because it was mine and THEIR PATRONS belongings and not their own. Shame on you, "The Alley" if you even read these and all else be forewarned and aware of your surroundings. This establishment is not concerned for your safety. I hurt myself in the scuffle and have been shaken up ever since. There are other choices for entertainment with a more reputable business.

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    It's always hot in here. Weird, oldish crowd, but the dancing can be fun!

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    Sunday Afternoons are Great! No cover, live Music ,and $3.00 BBQ ! Every Sunday from 3 to 6pm

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    I'm an idiot to give this place two stars I was wrong. The Alley is the most entertaining bar in the Village. Drinks are stiff, The patrons and staff are great, and the best bar to people watch. Nothing like watching the cougars try to claw into a few young marines. Cover most nights which sucks but the usual house band is pretty damn good.

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    I love me some Alley!!! This is a great bar if you're looking for a fun, decently priced place to hang out. The bartenders are awesome...especially Dylan, Alisha and Leeroy! An awesome lady named Jessica does karaoke on Mondays and I think Amber does it on Tuesdays, a DJ on Wednesdays and the Alleys House Band (the Love Rangers) are normally there Friday and Saturday and they are amazing! They play music from way back when to now...think Hendrix to the Dirty Heads! They have the BEST security guys there too who ALWAYS take care of you and will get a guy away from you quick like if you aren't feeling him!!! I love you Shaun, Mike and Willdon! Long story short, this place is great and I always have a fun time!

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    An actual hole in the wall. Great place to get action from a cougar who is old by cougar standards, if that's your thing.

    Also, a cover? Really? I'll go over to Boar's Crossing for my cheap drinks, thanks.

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    The new owner came in, took over a neighborhood bar, and essentially thumbed his nose at the "regulars" who have been coming to the Alley for years.  Fired all of the bartenders and cocktail waitresses the regulars came to see. On most days the place does not open until around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, cutting out the regular daytime crowd.  The other bar owners in the area are probably glad he took over because he has helped to increase THEIR patronage and revenue!  Oh yeah...can't play the lottery there anymore either...no more hotspot!

    The night crowd for the most part is still essentially the same except, again, all the old bartenders are gone.  You cannot get a red bull there anymore and you cannot get some of the alcoholic beverages you used to be able to get

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    I used to love the Alley...but it has a new owner now.

    The weekend morning "regulars" are all gone.  They no longer have Lotto Hot Spot which is why the Mr loved to go there he could play his HOT SPOT and I could have a $2.50 Bloody Mary or two :-) and it was fun to talk to everyone and hear their stories.  We went yesterday and saw what it was and went across the street to Boars.  Where we had Bloody Marys, Mr got his HOT SPOT on, saw some of the people that used to go to the Alley and played pool.  Boars is cleaner, bigger and funner!  

    Yes I said "FUNNER"!!!

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    The "Wrinkle Room" aka The Alley is an ok spot for some dancing and drunken debauchery. The drinks are semi cheap and plentiful but it gets so crowded sometimes you can hardly walk around. The bartenders are also nice people unless you piss them off. Sometimes it can be a bear to get a quick drink because there is only 1 or 2 of them. The patio is cool but again very crowded. The crowd can be a bit older at times thus the Wrinkle Room nickname but overall its a fun bar to pass through on your weekly Fri/Sat Pub Crawl

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    On Wednesday they play hip hop songs. The DJ only played 30 sec of each song, very frustrating when I actually liked the song. Also, very few people danced.

    On Fridays and Saturdays, there is a live band there which play classic rock songs. This draws in the much older crowd, which dance!

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    This place was aptly nicknamed The Wrinkle Room - but the music from the DJ, KJ, and live bands is amazing.

    I always enjoyed my nights here... being hit on by the old men was managable, but the music made this place rock.

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    So drive 30 minutes each way to try something different from the Saturday night gaslamp and PB scene...add $5 cover  to get into a dive bar with a small and way too crowded dance floor...lacking in available seating near the dance floor (with several empty tables in the back)...one person restroom (long lines to relieve yourself)...weak or watered down but normal priced drinks...did i say sausagefest? oh yes...
    cover band was so-so but had a new singer who seemed to be trying to hard....good variety of material...dj music between sets was better...

    my party time and funds are too valuable too have been wasted at a place like this...
    Carlsbad?  Is this the best you can do?

    Went here one other time on a Wednesday and couldn't get in because they were at capacity...that's why I thought this place had something to offer....

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    If my friends and I are in the mood to dance we seem to end up at the Alley!  San Diego is too far away.... but, Carlsbad is a cab drive away!  (REMEMBER don't drink and drive! A DUI isn't worth it)

    I used to swear they always had the heat on but, the last couple of times I've been there it's been a lot cooler which is gonna make people dance longer and drink more!  I really enjoy the band and Thank goodness they have a lil rail infront of them because I swear I broke my hip (OK so i'm old) but, I held onto that and danced the rest of the night! LOL

    Don't order water from the bartender.... she will give you a tiny glass and not tell you that YOU can buy bottled water!  The cocktail server is usually very friendly and will keep the drinks flowing!

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    Cougars are on the prowl.

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    I would have to concur with the other reviewers.

    When this place is fun, it is very fun.  Like the evening when a group of lovely ladies could not resist flashing the drummer repeatedly.  :)  The waitresses are the best, and when they are in the right mood the band plays just the right stuff to get the dance floor p-a-c-k-e-d.  We've met some of the wildest people there, and try to make it back every couple of months.

    But when it is bad, it is very bad.  It is the place they had in mind when they coined the phrase "dive bar", because that is exactly what it is.  It is usually too warm, the bathroom is packed, and the firefighters coming through every hour to do a head count is a real downer (I think they come by just to flirt and try and get some).  Plus, the beer and wine selection is dismal.

    And it is definitely not the place to hold a conversation (music is loud) unless you sit in the way-back.

    There is a large age mixture there.  On any given night, the majority will be in their 20s and 30s with a significant number of 40s and even a smattering of people in their 50s and up.  It looks to us like the age mix leans younger as the night wears on (older folks get there early and leave early).

    We usually only hit this place if we've had dinner along the coast and want to do a little dancing without traveling too far.  I bet as many people hate the place as like it, but if you're in the area, bored, and looking for a live band you may want to consider stopping in.

    BE WARNED:  if you arrive after 9 PM on Saturday, there WILL BE a line that could mean you won't get in for 30 min to an hour.  I guess that means it is still pretty popular!

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    I read the reviews and gave it a chance, also I live in the area.
    I am not sure how to categorize it, in the sense if its a bar or a club, anyway since it is mentioned as a club, lets stick with that. It is easy to find as it is right next to the coaster station and one can't miss the neon lights. The place is kinda small, with a smoking patio at the rear end of the club. I went there on a Saturday and for 5 bucks I am in. There was a band playing that day, music was good, it was more like a cover band, songs by G'n'R, Def Leppard and even Shaggy. Crowd is kinda mix, but more of the oldies than the goldies. I probably wont go back, but you might like it.

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    i concur with Eric s. i would like to add though that the crowd there can be very entertaining and care free, karaoke on Sunday night is a hoot. but that beer selection is sub par.

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    If you want to dance make the drive to a actual club. Not a small bar trying to be a club. If your trying to hit on some one who is much older than you, then by all means hit up the Wrinkle Room.

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    I agree with the previous review. Some friends and I went on Labor Day, and we were drenched in sweat because of how humid it was inside.
    The security staff is pretty questionable, but I've never had a personal encounter with them.
    The drinks were sufficient, and the karaoke night was fun. The mixture of older and younger visitors makes for an interesting atmosphere, especially around closing time when most are staggering out the door.
    This isn't an ideal place to go if you want to be "at the place to be." But it's an acceptable place to go on a week night with some friends.

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