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    Nice service &I like the half price appetizers  at night.

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    Been to this location a few times (also tried several other locations around town)
    Have always got fantastic service!
    Aside from the 9oz steak being a little small I've consistently been wow'd by the service. I usually sit in the bar where the bartenders are extra friendly/talkative. Tends to be busy but food is good.

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    I'm usually not a fan of chain restaurants anyway but I have been to this location a few times (at the request of others) and each time has been kind of a mess. Orders are constantly messed up and are often served cold (on all occasions people that I am with have had to send back food for either being too cold or being the wrong order.) Granted the staff is always apologetic but just get it right in the first place and it's not an issue. I think they are just lacking in talented cooks/chefs. Also the service is really slow..not the fault of the wait staff but again that can be blamed on the cook line.

    I also really wish there were more vegetarian options....or any vegetarian options for entrees for that matter.

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    So i'd just done some shopping at the nearby Target and Gamestop, and I was feeling that urge in my stomach.  You know, that urge that can only be satisfied with something nice and cheesy that fits on a bun... yep.  It was cheezburger time.  

    Not really being in the mood for a fast-food cheezburger, well, I decided to take a shot in one of the few sit-down restaurants.  I chose the neighborhood Applebee's.  

    Have to admit, though, the place was crowded- and somehow I ended up at my own small table, even though there were couples waiting to be seated.  The table itself was sticky and a few crumbles of cheese were left on it, apparently from the last diner (-1 star for that).  So I get a look at the menu, and order the mozzarella sticks as an appetizer, and a cheezburger combo with Mountain Dew to drink.

    The drink and sticks come first, and I have to admit- they were pretty good.  They'd be better if I didn't have to choke blazing hot cheese down with only a drip or two of liquid while I waited for my waitress to show up with a refill.  That took about ten minutes. (-1 star for inattentive waitstaff)

    So, finally, my cheezburger came, and it was actually decent- the fries were almost covered in some kind of tangy cheese-like product- I expect it either to be blue or feta cheese from someone else's dish.  It was okay, I guess.

    Finally, as I was leaving, I paid with my last $20- hey, dinner was $18, and now the waitress who gave me crappy service is eyeing the pair of ones in my hand like a hungry shark.  When I put them back in my pocket, I get a dirty look.  I'm sorry, but tips are for people who do a GOOD job.  (-1 star for greedy waitress)

    That leaves us with a rating of two stars.  If you have to come here, at least bother the management to get some Western Michigan gear to put on the wall.

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