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    I've been to Battle & Brew twice.  Once just to play and once for my birthday.  They treated me to a great birthday, giving me a free birthday brew and chatting it up at the bar.  I feel like this is a judgement-free zone, without the attitudes that you'll find in other bars.  My only complaint about this place is that they don't realize their full potential.  They've recently started hosting more themed events, but I would like to see them have even more and maybe include some tabletop games that can be checked out and played while drinking/eating.

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    video games and cool people?! epic.

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    I've been to Battle and Brew twice now for trivia.  The first time I went for Anime trivia, I got lucky and was able to park in the lot.  This second go round for Harry Potter trivia, not so lucky as we had to park down the street at this elementary school and walk to the bar(but it's a short safe walk).  It'd be really nice if they expanded the parking lot but where this shopping center is located... it's not very likely.

    The establishment isn't very big, and isn't meant for large crowds, but with a popular theme such as Harry Potter trivia, it's going to draw a large crowd.  So as soon as we walked into the bar we saw no where to sit.  You can make reservations, but do so early.  Luckily my friend and I found two empty computer chairs and sat by the table in the middle of the floor.  

    We did not enjoy the food the last time we were there (as everything fried tasted like....bacon) so steered clear of ordering anything, but halfway through trivia I was starving so I ordered chips and salsa (how bad could that be).  It was just ya regular ol' stuff you can get at the store so I devoured them and continued losing in trivia... we did awful...

    Overall, service was as good as it could be on a rainy crowded crazy trivia night (trying to get a bartenders attention when you can barely reach the bar).  Canned sodas are cool for those that aren't drinking.  And the atmospere is just fun, with crazy youtube videos being played and ridiculously hard trivia questions.  It may not sound fun, but for the otaku/ geek at heart, it is!!!  I'll def be back, and hopefully tryout that rockband stage!!!

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    I've really only come here for trivia, but it's one of the best trivias in town. Batman trivia, with obscure questions not even this Batman nerd could answer. Doctor Who trivia, Avengers trivia, Monty Python trivia, Muppet trivia, apocalyptic trivia... Really.

    I don't come here to game, but there's a pretty decent set-up of computers to game, as well as a little stage for Rock Band.

    Cocktails and food are pretty decent, but if it's Wednesday night, you better put your order in way before trivia starts, or you won't get your food.

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    This place is a dream come true. Nice game set-ups, a huge selection of games, good, unique food and drinks and cool people that work there.

    Don't miss Wednesday night trivia or the awesome tournaments they run.

    We have reserved that place for parties a number of times and its always been great.

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    Several months after I knew of such a place existed, I rallied up the courage to check it out.  After a hop, skip, and a jump (and a 10 minute drive north on I75 from Midtown), I was pleasantly surprised what my eyes bestowed upon me.  

    From the pictures on their website, I was expecting more of a brightly lit gaming center with a makeshift bar, much like you would see at a bowling alley or a Chuckie Cheese.   However,  I felt that it was more 60% bar/restaurant and 40% gaming center and is well integrated.  The place is dimly lit and has a more loungey bar-type atmosphere.  The bar has a nice number of micro and domestic beers on tap for pretty solid prices (which you can check on their website if you don't trust me).  

    I smiled and laughed at a few of the internet and gaming culture references, via pictures and props, sprinkled all over the place.  I really liked the friendliness of the staff. They will treat you from the bar to the table to the couch if you like, and they suggested quite a tasty beer of my preferred beer category.  

    There are about 5 gaming centers with PCs dominating the bunch.  They have a circular station of PCs with Left 4 Dead 2, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 3 as the most common games played.  I played on one of the smaller tv's there and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. I ordered a beer with buffalo chicken wrap and tater tots meal, which was served to me at the table I was playing on.  

    With the comfortable feel and bar access to food and drinks, It felt like I was back in middle/high school playing at a friend's house.  Except this time there's beer and a whole lot more gamers involved.  Game on!

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    Great place to get together with friends. Great prices. Nice guys behind bar. All around good times for ANYONE!!

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    As Obama would say: Not bad.

    This place is OTP (NOOOOOOO) but it's got a cool concept.  You pay by the hour (except for the occasional specials) and you get to play anything from Rock Band (on a stage), to console games on small or large screen TVs, to computer games like World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, etc.

    It's basically a nerd hive.  And I like it.

    The service was very friendly, and they check up on you pretty frequently.  I did think I got a little better service because the guy knew I was a first-timer and was trying to rope in a new "regular".  Either way, very friendly service.

    A good selection of beers as well, beyond your typical american drafts.  I was impressed by this part as well.

    I didn't try any of the food, but the menu looked expansive and they seemed to take pride in their food menu.

    I was a little afraid of the potential germs from oft-used controllers/consoles, etc.  But I did notice that the workers here constantly sprayed down everything to keep things sanitary.  I thought that was cool.

    It's a little far away from where I live, which is unfortunate.  But I'm glad I tried this place and will definitely visit again in the future.

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    I want to love this place.  It has all the things I love in a night out.  Video games, great beer, good food, and Girl Talk remixes spinning nonstop (is that even legal?). It's even a fairly good value for the experience they are offering. I'd give it five stars but for the service.

    Unfortunately, the service was quite poor.  My girlfriend and I were given one menu to share.  It took quite a while to be served by a waiter.  The wait staff serving us kept changing. They ran out of wings and didn't let us know until quite a while after we ordered.  Also, they didn't organize any kind of waitlist for the video game consoles and we had to maintain a constant vigil on the games in use until finally pouncing on one when it was available.  This was A) an unnecessary distraction for a night out and B) not very fair to people who may get frontrun by some Johnny-Come-Lately douchebag.  Also, the website and the paper game list (there's only one) are NOT up to date! The customers must go to the game counter and browse the boxes of games that are on offer.  The night we went the Super Nintendo wasn't available for some unspecified reason and the NES seemed to be MIA.  False advertising, guys.

    The bottom line is that the management needs to seriously rethink how they operate the place.  My suggestion would be a dedicated host that will greet customers and take their request for a game console or PC as well as seat them at an available table.  The host should also make sure that the proper waitperson serves the table as soon as possible.  Additionally, update the webpage with games/systems available in real time. (it's not that hard.  It's not the Library of Congress for goodness sake.)  After you do, print out a few copies of the new list  and put them in plastic sleeves to get handed out with the menus.

    As a side note, there seemed to be a tremendous amount of wasted space that could have accommodated at least two more tables.  As well,  the large screen game consoles only have a couch with room for three people at the most which leaves no room for spectators/friends to sit and watch.

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    This place rocks!  Battle and Brew really is a gaming paradise for adults.  They've got really slick technology infrastructure, wide-screen televisions, big bandwidth for graphics heavy multi-user games, the latest gaming rigs & consoles, and even a stage dedicated to a rockband setup.  What else do you need?  

    The menu layout is quite clever.  The food is really good bar fare.  They've got everything a game enthusiast needs.  The sandwiches are big.  The tots are excellent.  And the beer selection stands very much apart from the standard stuff.  (Remember: "bud" is one letter away from "bad.")  

    Service was spot-on efficient, and everyone I met here was really friendly.  

    I hear they do a good trivia night.  Holler if you're coming with.

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    A friend and I decided to drive over here from Roswell this past Saturday.  We got there around 4:30pm and it had a pretty big crowd of people.  To be honest, you usually find these palces empty, except for a few 14 year olds playing WoW.  Being almost 30, I found it refreshing there were more adults such as myself.  It's 21 and over after 8pm.  Upon entering, I took a look at the menu, prices, and general layout.  

    Price was $20 all day.  They had a special for $10 all day if you wanted to play RPGs like Diablo III or a MMORPG.  I was drinking Yuengling, it was $4 a pint.  Not sure if they had any cheaper brew, didn't really care.

    It has a great selection of beers, decent bar food, and nice gaming rigs.  A stage for Rockband next to the bar, some gaming PCs with nice cupholders in the desks, and TVs with about any gaming console you'd want to play.  The PCs are pretty far apart so you're not elbow to elbow with your neighbor, yet close enough to have a conversation in the loud environment.  The PCs were pretty fast and I was happy with their performance, my only gripe was their interenet.  It kind of drags everyone down when someone has to download an update, which in our case was about 2 gigs.  It wasn't a huge problem by any means, only slowed us down for about 15 minutes.  They keep the computers well updated for the most part.

    I really like Battle and Brew.  My kind of place.  Open till 2AM which is good for night owls such as myself.  Nicely executed idea.

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    While I attempt to recollect the haze of my night there, I will just start off saying that this is a Gamer Bar. When you walk in you will find the type of people you would expect to find at a place catered to gamers. The décor at first glance is chaotic there is a Rock Band Stage set up with a projector screen so those playing the game can feel like they're actually performing, one wall has a few booths and tables for eating, while the others are lined with TVs of consoles of all shapes and sizes. One half there is a bar, not really well stocked but with a delightful selection of beer. Near their register, there is what can only be described as a tower of XBOX360 games of all variations. Needless to say they should have what you're looking for. If you have any problems setting up or are just not knowledgeable about certain gamer things the staff is friendly enough to help and seemingly more experienced in gaming and computers than I ever would be.

    For a Saturday night, it was pretty busy and people were sat around talking and gaming alike, the ambience, one of electric nerd-gasms and internet raging. It's ridiculous, hilarious, and an indescribable experience.

    As far as food goes, trust me you're not coming here for high quality food. Hell, you're not even coming here for high quality bar food. The food wasn't great, the tater tots I ordered weren't golden and crispy but a bit soggy and burnt in a few places like it was pan fried. Think frozen food, hastily prepared and just tasty enough to meet a drunk or a busy gamer's standards.

    The beer was varied and good quality for a decent price, though to be honest I didn't pay. They have traditional beers on tap and for the beer snob they have Unibroue's Maudite and Monday Night Scotch Ale which you can get in a pitcher for around $16. This is where I went wrong, after two rounds of drinks I had reached the point where a pitcher of Maudite sounded like a brilliant idea. Personal tip, Maudite is an 8% Belgian beer that is sweet and deceptive if you get a pitcher, have more than two people try and finish it and rub it in the designated driver's face.

    All in all, a great experience for the social gamer who doesn't mind leaving the dark confines of his/her room to interact with people and splurge a little. Even still, it's a great place to go to get drunk, game with friends, and meet new people. Game on.

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    Battle and Brew is a fun video game bar. They have a bunch of Playstations, Xboxes, Wiis and PCs with tons of games. My favorite part of the place is the Rock Band stage. Grab a group of friends, hit the bar and play your favorite songs on stage. I never considered myself a gamer; for which reason this bar is perfect for me. I'm not about to go buy a $400 gaming system, the games, the equipment, etc but I love taking friends here and playing some of the more social games with everyone. It's good fun and not too pricey. They don't have a full bar, just beer- but I make due. The staff is very courteous and friendly.

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    Went here for TV Theme Song trivia last week, and it was pretty fun. I definitely have a few warnings for everyone about this place, though:

    1. They apparently (literally, from what I was told) have a hot plate and a fryer, so on busy nights, expect to wait 45 minutes to an hour for food. Everyone's food was fine (just standard grilled cheeses, tater tots, etc.) except for the grilled chicken sandwich. It looked like they had bought a bag of frozen chicken breasts from Costco and microwaved it. I wouldn't have been able to choke it down. But my buffalo chicken wrap and fries were quite good. Although that could be because I was starving after waiting an hour. LOL.

    2. They seem to ask a lot of Cartoon Network questions when they know that one of the regular trivia teams works there. I find this suspect.

    3. On trivia night, they won't let you put more than 4 chairs at any one table. I understand the reason for this - but next time I might just bring my own chair.  

    4. Most of the servers were friendly, but one of them was a total dick. I would recommend not ordering The Final Level (basically one of those food challenge things) when they're busy, because they'll tell you that you just fucked the kitchen for the night (again, a hot plate and a fryer).

    5. Stacy and Clinton would have a field day in this place. If you don't know who I'm talking about, you don't need to. And if you do, you get what I'm saying. *Wink*

    I would only go back for trivia, because gamin' ain't my thang. But I'm sure it'll happen at some point in time, and I won't have to be dragged kicking and screaming.

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    It would be great if they could get an espresso machine at this place! It may contrast with the craft beer scene that they are trying to create, but I actually think it would complement the establishment. I LOVE LATTE's!!

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    Where else can you geek out and get drunk at the same time? They have all the consoles and games (Even NES!), friendly staff, and the best Rock Band setup I've seen...Ion with cymbals and a true bass pedal! Tuesdays are the cheapest, $10 all day (Including Rock Band) and the food is surprisingly cheap and tasty...only thing missing is hard liquor!

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    Friendly staff, great beer and great bar food.

    I couldn't ask for anything more....

    Wait. Yes I can! Games!

    This place has gaming rigs that blow my fastest Apple out of the water.

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    Tuesday is probably not the day to go to this place...there was hardly anyone there other than my coworkers I.  However, with that said, I'll definitely have to check the place out on a Friday/Saturday night.

    I've never known many "PC Rooms" to do well stateside, whereas they flourish in Asia...probably that whole high speed interwerbz and 1-2 pc's per househould.  As a "self proclaimed" gamer I was hesitant to check the place out, since I can always game at home.  (But then I can also drink at home, so I wanted to attempt to kill two birds with one stone.)

    It's definitely a place to take a group, as my coworkers and I were all jamming out to their Rock-band setup.  Several of them also attempted the "Final Level Challenge", aka. stuffing your face with a huge burger and tots in under 20 minutes.  The beer selection is decent and the food ranges from your typical gamer snacks to bar food.

    There are also numerous [next gen] game systems for people to play on, with Tuesdays being a $10 play all day event or hourly on other days.  All in all, it's fun place to hang out when the usual bar crawling becomes boring.

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    I come here just about every Friday (the staff there can vouch for me on that) for free Rock Band night. They have a small stage, projector and all the instruments that are required.

    They have several Xbox 360's hooked up, at least 12 PC's (up to date hardware and good to go) , 3 Big screens each of which have a 360, couple of PS3's and a couch for each.

    Also this place has a decent selection of beer, games, and pub type food. From the Pizza Burger to the Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sammy you can't go wrong.

    I have been coming to this place for at least 3 years now, it's been a fun ride, and I'm grateful to have discovered such a place. Since management changed hands the place has been getting better and better each time I come and could always use more people for support.

    If you see me there one Friday feel free to say hi. Till you see me singing on stage. Cheers!

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    Here is one of the most unique places in Georgia. Think of a LAN center, but with a bar atmosphere.

    They have I think 12 computers that are surprisingly updated with the latest specs and with 22" flatscreen lcd monitors! They also have a Rock Band stage where there's literally a stage for people to play Rock Band. They also have several big screen TVs to play some XBOX360 or PS3.
    Since they don't have as many computers as usual LAN centers, coming with a big group is not recommended, unless you make a reservation!

    The staff were very friendly and were able to accommodate all our needs. The only down moment (would probably be enough to mark down a star for most people) was when they overbooked reservations causing us to be down a few computers in our group. This turned out to be ok as others played on the consoles.

    Another cool thing is that they have trivia nights, and other events throughout the weeks. It's the perfect place for the young-adult/older gamers.

    There are no reservation fees, they are very lenient with making reservations, you pay when you get there, no down payment or anything like that needed. You can reserve the stage, consoles, and any number of computers. You just might want to make sure they don't have other reservations they might be overlooking.

    Wish they had more locations closer to Atlanta!

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    I'm revising this after taking about 6 months between my first and most recent visit.  They have new, beautiful PC's, the staff is ridiculously helpful now, and even though I was the only lady present on "Ladies Night", I had a wonderful time.

    Go.  Play games.  Order a grilled cheese sammy.  Drink a beer.  You'll be better for it.

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    If a video game convention became a bar it would look like Battle & Brew.

    This place is every computer geeks dream! I came here for a friend's bachelor party (he is a computer gamer) and I enjoyed my time there.

    Battle & Brew has several computers with the most recent games such as Left 4 Dead 2, World of Warcraft, Counter Strike, Call of Duty series and pretty much every popular online game out there. They have a full stage Rock Band with 2 guitars, mic, and drum set that you can play on.

    Not only do that have a stage to play on but they have has 3 large tvs equipped with a xbox 360, ps3, and a wii. They have most of the popular video games for each console. I ended up playing Tekken 6 on the xbox 360.

    As for food, I'll be honest I didn't eat any so I can't comment on it but they have a few major beers on draft and several bottle beers in stock. The staff is very friendly. I don't know the name of server/bartender but she kept asking if I needed anything or wanted another beer which I appreciated and the staff seemed down to earth.

    This place is pretty cool and I would definitely bring my friends here.

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    Absolutely love this place and have for years. It's a neighborhood hangout for me, my Cheers bar, my favorite trivia joint (sorry we beat you every week!), all around good time for nerds and even semi-nerds. I have been coming here for years and have slowly introduced many of my friends. Though I work all the time now, they all still come for trivia every week and I love knowing almost everyone there every time I make it.

    The PCs just got a big overhaul two weeks ago, by the way. So they have all new PCs, newer TVs, and of course just about every console ever invented, all recent games and many older games. Rock out on the Rock Band stage, get your MW2 on, or just play some Mario Kart. Order a beer (great selection, and I love the cider) and a pizza and just relax.

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    This place used to be really great. A long time ago when my friends and I started going to Battle and Brew, we loved it. Fun atmosphere; great employees; good values.

    But, wow has the place gone downhill since they changed management. The prices have raised a little, which is fine, it's a business; but the employees treat you like crap. They sit around and play video games and blare loud obnoxious music off youtube. It's sometimes an effort to find anyone that works there.

    The concept of this place is great, but hopefully the management will start cracking down on a little bit tighter customer service policies. Not all the employees are bad; there's just a handful of bad apples in the bunch.

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    Gonna have to give this place 4 stars for creativity.  I'm a Tech grad so I'm used to hearing about LAN parties etc but I had no idea when a buddy of mine told me to meet him here for his b-day.  

    It's like cloud 9 mixed with 7th heaven and maybe a little bit of rave for the people that want a place to have a few drinks and play video games.  Much better than going to Dave & Busters or US play, which ask you to empty your wallet at the door.  

    However, don't expect to hold a great conversation in there with anyone unless you have a headset on and are communicating through a game.

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    Let me preface this review: I have been going to Battle and Brew for a long time. I love what it offers, I think it is a "one of a kind" establishment, I continue to be a patron.

    Having said that, this place (at least since the last time I went) needs a VAST upgrade in the PC department. Most of the computers are pretty dated and many of the online multiplayer games aren't setup right to be able to connect. As well, they haven't updated their PC library in about a year.

    Now, I heard they were going to upgrade the PC's around the new year, and then start working on getting newer titles, but looking at their website (which also seems to be out of date) it doesn't seem like this has happened yet.

    I love coming here for the 360 / PS3 gaming. As well, they have an AWESOME trivia night. Prices are great and there's a beer special almost every day of the week. If they can get their PC gaming up to par, it'll be a 5 star place for sure.

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    An awesome place, simply put.  As others have mentioned, pay per hour games (console and computer variety), HDTVs, comfy couches, a Rock Band stage - all can be had here.  Along with the sweetest part - the Brew.  I love to come here and drink and hang out with friends.  Geek Trivia on Wednesday nights is a blast.  Battle and Brew does a ton of promotional events that correspond with holidays, DragonCon, and the like.  You ain't a true geek in Atlanta if you haven't been here yet.

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    One of my friends invited me here for trivia night.  Little did I know that this place was actually a haven for gamers...and to top it off, it was also Halloween Celebration night.  I felt particularly out of place, but the reason that I give it four stars is because, anyone who loves gaming would have the time of their life here.  It is so technologically advanced, with gaming consoles and HDTVs everywhere.  There is also a bar, but they don't serve liquor- hence four and not five stars.  The trivia night is really entertaining and challenging.  And the team names are the funniest that I've ever heard.  For example, one team was named  "Some Sofas Pull Out; But I Don't"  another, "My Jacket is Hanging in the Closet Next to David Carradine"....Quite amusing.

    Go to Battle and Brew for some really ecletic, insightful, and open people!

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    Battle and Brew is a ton of fun if you like gaming.  As for alcohol they serve wine, beer, and hard ciders.  They also have a case of gatorade, powerade, etc. for the thirsty gamer.  They have a menu of pizza, chicken fingers, and other regular American bar food.  It is smoke-free inside, but you can smoke outside.  Just be aware that this is a 18+ establishment, so don't be surprised to see the occasional high school student kick your butt.    
    I think everyone else has pretty much covered the gaming aspects involving the PC gaming and big screens with console games that you pay for hourly.  
    However, they have added a Rockband stage that is free on Friday nights.  The patrons are really good about alternating amongst themselves every two songs so that everyone gets their fair share of stage time.  The staff is also very helpful when you're having technical/hardware issues.
    This is a fun place to come when you and your friends are tired of the regular bar activities.

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    This place is very close to our house and is always a favorite for entertaining out of town guests. Wings, beer and chili at Rocco's followed by more beer and several Guitar Hero sessions at Battle & Brew. We have folks visit from all over the country and no one else has anything like this in their town. A great place to grab a few pitchers and do something while drinking that isn't darts or pool.
    The staff is very courteous and there is always a decent crowd of people on Friday nights. It definitely beats going to Dave & Buster's for beer and video game action!

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    Battle and Brew is the place where I let my inner geek run wild. This place is awesome! It truly is a haven for true video game players. You can count on them to carry the latest consoles ,and games to go along with it.

    The place has a very cozy feeling to it. Being that it's a mom and pop joint I would expect no less. Definitly a good place to gather some friends and go have a game day or something.

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    First & foremost I want to give crazy shouts out to Berlin for the honorable mention.  Whooooo!!!

    Ok so now that I have given my properly due respects here's how things work...
    You pay a hourly rate ($5-7) per screen! Not per player! (yea you heard me right). So basically you have beer, food, friends & video games all in one location. All different consoles from Wii to Playstation 3.

    So at the end of the night there's only one way things are going to go down. Enter,  selct your screen size & game. Grab some food & drink. Then loose track of time while you fight for your dear life & have a blast doing so!

    **Be on the lookout for my first Wii party coming soon!

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