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    This is what a burger and fries should be.  I know it's at a gas station, but the burger can't be beat.

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    I can attest to the truth of all of the above.

    1) best burger? Hell yes. Burger depot is only there as a back-up for when the Beacon is closed.

    2) Smoking by the gas pumps? Apparently, some of us think this is completely safe. I am not one of those, but it's worth the risk to enjoy the food.

    Aside from burgers and other assorted lunch staples, the beacon serves a mean breakfast. Don't be fooled, things are better tasting and more consistent that at the Kopper Kettle. (don't get me wrong, there is a special place in my heart for the KK, which I will describe in that review. I'm just saying the Beacon has better food.)  

    For breakfast, the Chicken Fried Steak is, maybe, the best I've ever had. (I know, I know... that's a one meal day. I only visit Chester twice a year!) The breakfast burrito is pretty good, and even the small one is filling. Don't expect authentic Mexican, though.

    I have yet to dislike anything from Beacon's cafe. And I don't know anyone else who hasn't been fully satisfied. I've been there with a couple huge groups, and it was smiles and full bellies all around.

    If you drive through Chester for any reason, you'd be making a mistake by not stopping for a bite to eat.

    They are closed sometimes at strange times, Try not to cry.

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    Just imagine if instead of that little machine that keeps the hot dogs constantly a-turnin at your neighborhood AM/PM, there were two surly women with odd hair flipping greasy burgers on a greasy grill?
    As for claims of being "the best burger in town" I cannot say.  I have yet to eat at Burger Depot just down the road to compare, but I can say that the folks at Beacon do have a tasty burger.   And the fries!  So crispy and delicious!  Seriously some of the best fries ever.  The milkshakes are of the fast food variety (mmm, strawberry Quick flavored!), but hit the spot when you're really in the mood to pig out.  Onion rings were delish as well.
    A word to the wise.  If you try to remove the odd and almost flourescent yellow stuff from your bun (both sides of course), your burger will turn into mush and you will look and feel like the biggest pig in the world as it squishes and oozes between your fingers.  But you'll be happy!
    Next time I'm getting a corn dog and chili fries!

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