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    I visit Morgantown quite often on the weekends and go to Bent Willey's almost every time I'm there.  I love how there are different rooms with different themes.  When it's nice out the patio is also quite awesome.  It also helps that there are about 10+ bars in the place. There's usually either or $3 (on non-football weekends) and $5 (on football weekends) after 10pm, but if you get there before then, it's free.  They'll also stamp your hand when you leave so if you come back you won't have to pay a cover again. Drinks are also very cheap before 11pm, but after then they are decently priced.  I only have two complaints: on football weekends this place is PACKED so it's incredibly hard to get a drink, but that's any bar in Morgantown for you and the bathrooms are incredible disgusting.

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    Don't remember much. Went there with 15 lunatics from Boston a couple of weeks ago. Had a ball. Thank you

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    I come to Morgantown every now and then to visit my friend who is getting her phD at WVU. So, yea, we're a bit older than the college crowd. Yet something about being in Morgantown brings out the college student in me and Bent Willey's is the perfect place to party. There is a cover, I think $3 which is a nice change from the bars I'm used to. And this place is HUGE.

    Once you walk up the stairs, it's kind of a confusing mess to figure out where you want to go. To the left is the outdoor patio which is nice and spacious, it's busy but not packed that you can't move. To the right in the 80's room, at least that's what my friend calls it, but it seems to be more of a "throwback" room as they also play 70's and 90's music. This is my favorite room. For more current top 40 hits, head straight back to the enclosed room which has neon lights and feels like a well lit club. So basically, there's a room for everyone.

    Drinks are cheap which is also a plus and you can get away with wearing anything - casual or dressy. But you might standout if you're wearing a tight mini dress and 6" heels (oh silly young girls!).  Avoid going to the women's bathroom if possible. It smells horrid, none of the stalls actually lock (it looks like some locks were removed?) and the sink is often clogged. It also gets really hot in here so ladies, plan for your hair to go flat or frizzy, bring a hairband, and don't wear too much clothing.

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    This bar is 21+ but the crowd is young and almost exclusively college students. This is where they go to dance and drink to excess.

    The different rooms are nice, though, and the patio in summer is great.

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    Came here in the summer, so it wasn't as crowded as I've heard it can be.  Still, had a great time on the huge patio, and spent some time on the huge dance floor as well.  Friendly bartenders, reasonable prices and that patio make Bent Willey's one of the best.

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    About what you'd expect for college bar located just off campus.  It's mostly filled with a younger crowd, along with your standard creepy old guys.  It's a pretty big place with I believe 7 separate bar and lounge area, each themed a little different.  

    The drinks are pretty cheap.  However, my friend and I who were drinking cocktails felt they weren't very strong (almost had to drink 2 to get 1 real drink.)

    The music, as you would expect for a collage place, is overly loud and the DJ the night we were there was pretty bad.  The restrooms, as you would expect, were pretty nasty.

    I gave it 3 star, because it was a decent place, but not spectacular.  I really liked the rooftop patio, which is were we spent most of our time.

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    During the summer it is decent enough but during the school year it is hot and crowded and takes forever to get beverages.  I gave it an extra star just for the scenery.

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    I went with three non-WVU friends and one Mountaineer (fucks sheep) friend to this oddly named bar. Some of the good things: Cheap rinks, lots of bars for little wait time between drinks, outdoor area, huge dance floor, smoking allowed.

    Not a bad place to go for drinks. If you're down with skanky hoes and farm animals.

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    I hate going here anymore.  It's usually packed to the gills on weekends and you can find better atmosphere at other places in morgantown.  If you are looking to dance or meet people it could be ok, but if you want to have a conversation, best find another bar to go to.

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    Hands Down, THE BEST PLACE TO GO in Morgantown. The drinks are inexpensive and there is plenty of fun to be had. The best time is when it's nice out and you can go on the rooftop patio. I have had quite a many good times at this place! A great place to dance or talk or hang around or drink. Lots and lots of fun.

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