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    It's your typical "locals dive bar". Beer only. Pretty nondescript from the outside. The inside decor is your standard neon lights & sports/beer paraphernalia all over the walls. One long bar that stretches nearly the entire length of the building. At least 1 pool table and a Foosball table. They also have a digital jukebox for your listening enjoyment.

    I've been here only 2 times. The first time was last year with a small group of friends. We came in late one Friday or Saturday night. The place was fairly empty. But the girl working behind the bar was glad to see we'd brought other females with us. I can only assume that this place doesn't see a fair girl-to-guy ratio. But I won't hold that against them.

    The second visit was just this past weekend, as a last stop on my St. Patty's Day festivities. The bar had a decent amount of people, but was not crowded. Our group ordered a few beers and we had a blast spending the night playing Foosball, drinking and laughing.

    Overall, I really like the people who work here. Very friendly. And you can't beat cheap beer prices. If you can get past the lack-luster appearance, what you'll find here is a small, casual, inexpensive beer bar.

    'Nuff said.

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    This is a friendly neighborhood Beer Bar.  When one goes there, they go for not for the atmosphere, but for the local friends that you make.  This place, though it changed owners a few years ago, makes one feel at home.

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    I walked in here and knew I was in a dive bar.

    It was thursday night and I just needed a drink. Sadly I found out this place only does beer.

    So I stuck around. Watched a few innings of the Dodger game. I ordered a Corona and asked the barkeep if I could have limes and salt.

    As soon as im squeezing limes into my corona, a long nasty kinky hair was stuck to a lime.

    Since I was in a dive bar I felt that something like that was to be expected.

    They only take cash which meant I had to use their ATM... which I HATE doing seeing as how $2 is not worth it to pull out money from your account.

    The barkeep did check up on me every now and then, but she was busy playing pool or socializing out front to notice that I wanted to pay and get out.

    Come here if you need a beer or two.

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    I love Big John's!! It is so much fun!

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    I concur with Christopher, a 2.5 would do but it could have easily been a 2 or a 3 depending on which part of the night I focus on. I went here just yesterday for a halloween event so perhaps the stage was set a little differently than usual. The owner brought a limo and a gang of girls which was nice if not for my enjoyment then for some eye candy. The decorations were actually all done up in the place and I don't know if it is always there but they had a random stripper pole which unfortunately did not see copious use. The prices are right compared to the rest of practically the South Bay and definitely compared to Hwood, LA, and the like. Still it is a beer only bar so no cocktails or even jack and cokes. How unfortunate I wanted a lemon drop so bad. I kid!!! Naw but I'm not a beer drinker, more a liquor guy so just a heads up. There is a grill portion next to the pool table in the side, there is only one pool table kids so sharing is caring. They had free meatballs and chicken and taco meat that were cooked in crockpots, classic like mama style. I was down and the free food (yes free) for the event treated us right. Some of the costumes were awesome but then again there wasn't as much dancing as I'd hope, but it was definitely not a watch sports/chill night, i felt some energy. The DJ was horrid though, he kept cutting songs halfway through and changing songs, I think he was trying to please everyone but it just came out bad, ranging from freebird to a long disco set to some house and some top 40 to random hip hop and then a lot of country. It was strange and the bad transitions threw me off. Not only that but no one was really dancing...dunno, I'd say DJ just go with your mix and if they dont dance whatever, they're your captive audience bro. or at the least let a song finish. Actually the funny thing is he cut out songs that people were dancing too.

    Interesting crowd, interesting spot. Not my usual but very different from what I am used to.
    If you and the boys (and girls) want a beer and to shoot the breeze and catch a game then by all means come to big Johns and have some of their good bbq, and if you're in the area but like I say with most dive bars, If i'm nearby and the friends wanna...sure, but special trip just for prolly not.

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    What used to be called The Hut--has now become Big John's Bar and Grill--located on the corner of Hawthorne Boulevard and 167th Street in Lawndale.  A long running, cinder block building, painted gray; with narrow horizontal windows running the length and street side entrance.

    A moderately lit, sports bar "style"--complete with banners, dollar bills, hats, signs, pennants, the occasional Nascar helmet and sports jersey decorating ceiling and wall (the list goes on).  The usual neon advertisements, hanging on two tone colored walls, providing additional lighting from the overhead ceiling fans--accompanied with a coin-op pool table in front, jukebox, bar top video game, plenty of TV's and fussball in the back.  Peppering the walls are various printed pictures, photos of patrons and friends.

    The unique feature in this establishment is the long bar and seating at the counter--running almost the length of the interior.  A few lounge chairs, bar tables, and stools along the walls make up the rest of the seating.  The barkeep's wall is decorated with a small bar mirror, dry erase board with events, drink specials, popcorn machine, bar nuts by the bag, cash register and beer on draft.  The back bar is well lit--making for easy to read bottled beer selections.  Several refrigerators containing bottled stock and chilled mugs complete the picture.

    Another unique but odd feature is the men's facilities, which appears to be spray painted in a camouflage theme--the only place they didn't spray paint appears to be a bar mirror, for that quick brush of the hair.  No comments on the women's side--in speculation, cleaner but similar in nature--pink camo perhaps?

    Oddly, the "Grill" portion of Big John's appears to be two barrel styled barbeques located around the side/rear entrance--most likely for the advertised BBQ days.

    Beer prices at Big John's Bar and Grill seem relatively inexpensive, with a modest selection of bottled beer and a few on tap.  Of note--this is a Beer Bar Only.  If you're looking for some of those after work cocktails or midweek martinis--you're a bit out of luck.

    Big John's Bar and Grill accepts cash and cards.  Modest parking accommodations are conveniently located on the side of the building but can get crowed on busy nights.  Street parking is available within walking distance.

    A neighborhood beer bar, serving the local crowd with a sporty look.  If you're looking to drink a few beers and watch the game, Big John's Bar and Grill might fit the bill.

    *In review:

    Yelp currently does not currently use half star ratings in the user review process.  I might actually rate this establishment 2+ Stars overall, based partially on beverage selection (Beer Bar only). Another minor point, foamy beer and flavor issues at the tap--beer enthusiasts understand.  But as far as local bars go, it rates a generous 3- Stars out of 5--or defined by individual tastes.

    Establishment - Semi clean (as clean as any local dive should be), a little dingy but well lit
    Staff - Can vary depending on the shift but generally friendly and attentive.
    Clientele - Typically older crowd; mostly area locals; the occasional rough looking individual. Can get busy on the weekends and sporting events.
    Attitude - Looks intimidating at first but generally friendly.

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