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    I went to Budda's Place for a metal concert.  The concert itself was awesome, but it's always awesome to see a band I love.  The venue itself was more of a mixed bag.

    There were some definite nice things about Budda's Place: the acoustics were pretty good, it didn't get as hot and muggy as some venues I've seen concerts at, the drinks and food were cheap.

    On the other hand, there's some definite minuses, and I'm not including the location in that (It's just north of Fort Eustis Boulevard, which is a good 35+ miles from my house but may be close to you).  For starters, while the bartenders and waitresses were attentive, the kitchen was real slow.  Bar food shouldn't take that long to cook.  Then, there was the bathroom situation.  The women's room (I assume it only has one toilet) was out-of-order, so everyone had to use the men's room (I'd have used it anyway, but we had to share it with women).  In that single bathroom... the one toilet appeared damaged, the wall was definitely damaged, and there weren't a lot of, err, supplies.  Kind of a problem at a place that sells you cheap  beer.

    I expect I'll be going back for more concerts, but that's more because that's where the shows I want to go to will be than because it's where I'll want to go for shows, if you get what I mean.

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    The oddly spelled Budda's Place (yo that joint was BUDDA, son) is a restaurant in Newport News up towards Fort Eustis that seems to do better as a bar and pool hall. The food is nothing extraordinary, but adequate for what it is. The drinks though are cheap and I almost always end up buying cheap pitchers of beer. They don't accept credit cards, by the way, and if you didn't bring cash, you have to go to the strip club next door (same owner, apparently) and use their ATM machine (and pay the transaction fee). So that's a pain I wish they would fix, but I think that's coming in time. They've been working on fixing up the place lately. They often have live entertainment, mostly rock bands, but it's a good venue for this. The shows are fun and loud, and there is plenty of room inside to move around, dance, rock out, whatever...

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