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    I did a review in 2010. It is three years later, the place is remodeled and looking quite cute. The third time I've come here, and now it begins....

    First time, they forgot the "already paid for and I'm inside my house" burger for my dog. Second week or so ordered a whooper without cheese and an order of onion rings with sauce. Ummm, get home and they put in fries, cheese on the burger and diet- soda. I didn't order diet! Okay now,it's 2013 I ordered a 10 piece nugget with sauce, get home and no sauce! Who eats nuggets with no sauce, its bad enough I am really eating these "pieces of meat" but to not have sauce to mask the taste, I shutter at the thought.

    Well regardless of not getting it "My Way" as they advertise, I am still disappointed at this location, it doesn't quite meet up to the standards of Burger King and that is a no no in my book.

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    After remodeling, this placed changed from night to day!!! It's the best of bk around this area.

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    This bk is the best one around the neighborhood because they make everything fresh and i noticed the other bk on cicero and archer's burgers are always served cold, but not here!! I come to this location even though the other one is out of my way. I love this spot for lunch as well. The staff is super friendly and the manager always treats us like were valued customers.

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