I started my last day in Indianapolis with this twitter post:
"Guy in Burger King is pitching a bitch over "how little gravy" is on his B&G. It's slathered! #midwestobesity #neverhappy"
Oh yes, this guy was pretty damn pissed about the amount of gravy received on his biscuits. Let me tell you straight, there was so much damn gravy on that plate I couldn't even see one of the biscuits. What, do you want a pot of the shit brought to your table? Care to fill up a water bottle with gravy for the ride home? Wow.
Aside from that, I need to learn my lesson that if I choose Burger King when I'm in a hurry for some breakfast to never order the breakfast sandwiches. They're just.... blah. The secret sauce stuff they slather all over them really brings down the flavor that wasn't there to begin with. Next time, a longer search for a more satisfying fast food chain, waking up earlier to eat at a sit down, or Burger King again only this time ordering simply hash-browns and orange juice.