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    Grim reaper says, this place is now closed.

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    Very Very nice little place.  The staff is friendly, the food is great and even though the menu was small I appreciated how well they prepared the food.   It's a downtown style place hidden in the south burbs.  

    If you are looking to have a drink with friends in a classy place or on a date this is the place to hit.

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    My husband and I stopped for a drink and made a reservation for the following Friday night at 7pm. We specified that we did not want to sit by the door,  Carmen said she would save us the first table and pointed to the inside wall.
    When we arrived, ALL of the tables were reserved, although  two were filled.  The chef was having an event and the tables were for his friends.  Despite this, we were given one of the reserved tables, but it was dirrectly acroos from where the door oponed.  Every time someone came in, a cold wind blew right at us.  We had already ordered a drink and when the wait person came to take our order, we said we weren't staying because it was cold and we asked for the check.  As we finished our wine, Carmen went to each table and appeared to ask everyone else if they were cold.  She never came to our table.
    Carmen's wine list is short but all of the wines seem top notch, although there is a lack of variety.  I can't speak to the food.  A place that tiny, though, needs to sell service and that is sorely lacking.

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    Went to check it out for dinner, wine, and to hear the paino player they advertised.  The place is tiny - maybe seats about 20ish, with 7 at the bar.  

    The menu is very very very limited.  There were 6 meat items, and 1 fish.  My friend is vegan, and they didn't have anything that she could have eaten.  

    We had a glass of wine - wonderful.  Listened to the paino player for about an hour, and left to eat somewhere else.  

    Probably would not go back - just too limited in terms of wine menu, space, and food.

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