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    Good Bar Food!

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    One of the best, simple burger baskets you can get in town. Tremendous french fries, always white hot when they show up at the table.

    I kind of miss the square burger, but I guess the College Hills Meat Shop (which provides the burgers) got rid of their old square burger making machine. The taste is exactly the same. Really, really good.

    Also a huge fan of the pepper jack cheese balls.

    There is nothing fancy about the food here. But it's simple and great.

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    This place had an odd smoky odor to it.  It was empty and we had to get up twice and ask our waitress (who was too busy doing God knows what on her phone and flirting with a male employee).  I will not go back, the food is frozen and just fried.  BOOOOOO!  I'm BOOOOOing YOU CHEEKS!

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    Would I attend a happy hour here? Yes I have and yes I will.
    Would I organize a happy hour here? Nope.  Better choices in town in my opinion.

    Gimme details you say?
    - Nothing is on tap. Nothing.  Sure the bottle selection is extensive to make up for it, but as a wanna be beer snob it does not.
    - They do accept plastic, but be advised if you start a tab they KEEP your card.  Doesn't bother me, but I just want you to know that ahead of time.
    - I've heard good things about the burgers, but when i tried them a few years ago (i admit i should try again) they were nothing special and definitely NOT comparable to Green Gables.  Blasphemy!
    - Plenty of parking
    - Heated outdoor patio for the smokers and the friends of smokers
    - pool tables :-) but due to a band we could not play
    - gambling machines in the back
    - big groups have a tough time finding seating

    Look, its a solid townie bar and if you're not picky about your beer you'll get a great deal with reasonable pub food. It's just not my top pick in town.

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    Yes, the pizza was frozen......??? It's a bar! Not a pizza-pub. Their burgers really are the best. Comparable to Green Gables. And saturdays they're $2 or something, at a certain time. Maybe it's Sundays....not sure. Plenty of TVs, heated smoking patio, dartboards, pool tables, jukebox, plenty of stuff to do and plenty of places to sit. If I had one complaint it would be they don't have draught beer. But plenty of other beer to chose from. Always a good choice. And right in the middle of town...good location.

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    Cheeks- what a name!!  And yes, THOSE Cheeks are the inspiration.  It's a bar (and all of Blono is nonsmoking) and they have inexpensive good food.  I don't eat beef, so I get the chicken and really like it...served with chips or fries.

    Why 4 stars?  It can be pokey...when we go when we're on a time crunch, we call ahead and ask them to start our food ahead of time!  Oh, and RC products...yucka.

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    I remember their old sign with a HHUUGGEE picture of a woman's daisy-duke butt cheeks.  The girls I lived with at the time- we all that it was HIlarious, so we ventured in. WHAT THE??  It was a nice place.  Lots of tall wooden tables with high stools, pool tables, a juke box, not so crowded, but adult crowd at that.  You don't have to fight to get drinks.  And it's mostly go-up-to-the-bar ordering, but their bartenders come out and make rounds to see if they can get you something if it's not busy.

    A word of warning- don't come here for bar food. Not good.  In fact- last tie I was there- we ordered a pizza.  We all smelled something horribly burning- it was our "frozen pizza". ICK!  They made us another one- but it took forever in the end- and it was a $#@*! frozen pizza.

    But check the place out!!

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    When this place opened, they put a HUGE sign of a woman's bottom in short denim shorts. It looked more tasteless than it sounds, like an advertisement for the type of strip emporium that could only exist on the outskirts of a small country town in the interior south. Certainly not in a surprisingly cosmopolitan community like B-N.

    I never went in when I lived there, but during a recent visit I was promised mounds of free wings during happy hour. There were no wings, but I was pleased to see that the sign has been removed.

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