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    I tried City Beverage yesterday for the first and only time. When a friend wanted to get together for dinner I suggested The Pub in Woodcroft because I love their burgers. He wanted to go to City Beverage so I agreed. The first thing I noticed was how loud it was in there. I hadn't seen my friend in a situation for us to sit and chat in about 7 months and this was not the place for us to catch up on each others lives and have real conversation. Second, although there are a plethora of beer selections, I like Yuengling and Blue Moon on draft. The server recommended a beer that "tastes just like Blue Moon." Well, no it doesn't, not really, but as close as they can offer so I had one. They are heavy on the IPA' s but neither of my favorites were available  on tap or in bottles. Third, usually when trying a new restaurant for the first time I order a burger because how badly can you screw up a burger, right? While there wasn't anything wrong with the burger there was nothing memorable about it either. I love a great beer in a cold mug or glass (by the way, beer is served in room temperature glasses) with a good burger and this burger filled me up but nothing special about it to make me want another one. Service was okay, not great. Next time my friend wants to meet for dinner I am picking the restaurant.

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    I was a little hesitant to try City Beverage because of the mixed reviews, especially some from my friends!  However, I know this is a major hotspot for CrossFit 919'ers, and it was also recommended to me by my brother: "Wisconsin Hangover Cure burger.  No bun.  Add avocado."  The garlic fries smelled more like garlic than tasted like garlic, but I still enjoyed them.  My date thought everything on the menu looked good enough to try, but since that one burger was specifically recommended, he went for it as well.  Neither of us was disappointed by that choice!  Also, any place that has Highlander Gaelic Ale (from Asheville) gets a big smile from me.  I enjoyed the other beer choices they had on tap, too, including Triangle Brewing Company.

    The decor was completely overwhelming in a super fun way.  It was nothing what I was expecting!  It's so random and colorful, but it works, and it put me in a good mood.

    City Beverage also gets bonus points because it has a pool table, and we were specifically looking for a local place to play pool... Looks like we found a winner!

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    Eclectic atmosphere, friendly staff, wide beer selection and good food.  We especially like the fresh mozzarella BLT and the nachos with BBQ chicken are also excellent.  Good place to go and let off a little steam after a hard day in the offic.

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