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    I love to dance. I am one of those weird girls who zone out on the dance floor and start doing the sprinkler dance or water the garden (Yeah I can't dance). Club Venus is some place you go if your goal is to be wild and crazy. In that respect have been here a million times.
    When it first opened it was actually a cool place to hang. It is free for females on the guest list (just call to be on the guest list) and like $20 for men. The club is 21+ and has some great bartenders if you smile at them the right way.

    DANCE ~ SHAKE ~ SWIRL ~ FIIIGGGHHHHT (duck for cover)

    As many times as I have been here to have one of my blackout nights where I can go to the diner down the street and not remember those amazing pancakes that I consumed, my last time there was my last time!
    The club has been open for about two years now and it went from fun and chill to the G word. It is so hard to have fun with a whole bunch of people who came to stare each other down. It makes things uncomfortable and just tense for no reason.
    Last time I was there the bouncer let a 16 year old girl in because (1) she was showing A LOT of skin and (2) because she was with her mom. YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, HER MAMA BROUGHT HER TO THE CLUB lol oh man this is hard to write. Any who, I don't condone tomfoolery - well that kind - So I took my act on the road and vowed to never return.

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