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    Oh man.

    My friend and I went on a mini bar hopping excursion. We hit Mariners, 3rd and 7, Noras, and at the end of the night we decided to go in Bullseye.

    Bullseye was one of those places that I had always walked by as a child and wondered about what was hidden behind its doors.

    As soon as we walked in, we were totally out of our element. We were dressed to mingle and we walked right into a bar out of Sons of Anarchy. The place was a dive, nearly empty save for 3 younger patrons at the bar, two older folks playing darts and the bartender who looked like he should be bouncing instead of serving.

    My friend and I walked up to the bar and I ordered the manliest drink I could think of. Jack and Coke. My genetically jacked bartender grabbed a red solo cup, proceeded to fill it with A LOT of Jack Daniels, and then topped it off with coke before charging me $6.

    I had two and I was done.

    The bartender was a really nice guy and none of the other patrons made us feel uncomfortable. We had a good time. It's a pretty cool place. Definitely a locals-only vibe, but not an aggressive one. Unconventional but I'd visit again.

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