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    This is just unbelievable that people can give this place 3 stars and above.

    This is the worst karaoke place we've ever been too. The price is $30 an hour for a karaoke machine with 2 microphones which are troubles! We had to come off and tweak them often otherwise they won't plug in fully.

    The rooms are not noise-cancellation means you can hear the room next door. The smell and the rundown part are the worst of all. When you first step into the door, this is a smoking place! Furniture is run-down and we felt like we were in a slump dog place.

    The karaoke machine is horrible. Songs are old and limited.

    Stay away from this place. Worst place you can ever imagine. Doesn't worth the money 100000....%

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    Hmmm i was debating if I should give 2 or 3 stars and decided to give 3 stars despite its:

    1. Rundown decor, furniture and rooms
    2. Old songs - really need to update
    3. Old sound system
    4. Small TV

    This place definitely need to update its songs and fix the interior a bit. Then it's not a bad to place to go, really. I haven't tried any of their late night snacks but looking at the interior, I would rather go somewhere else - buffalo wild wings or Ava anyone? - for some late night snack.

    But you know, you know you come to NRB - or Karaoke - to sing, not to whine about its ghetto-ness. As long as it has UPDATED list of songs, I'm fine with it. But since this place doesn't, and have old, ghetto interior, the most I can give this place is 3 stars. It doesn't help that there aren't many, if any, competitors around...

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    I rarely give 1 ratings. But, this one deserved it. Well, my family and I were looking for a private suite karaoke spot. Since Voicebox was booked until after midnight, we found this place online. We went to view the rooms, and boy we were in for a surprise.

    The sofas and decor look like a cheap hostel room. The furniture and decor looked dirty and old. The sofas look as if they had lice or bed bugs on them. We were scared to sit down, which we didn't.

    The TV was small and had a video playing in a different language. The video seemed to be an actual, live stream video of someone's room or home. I felt like we were in one of those movies where you watch a movie and find out you are the movie or in the movie. It was freaky.

    The snack bar or area was a bit strange. They sold $2 cups of Ramen Noodles. I mean I like Ramen Noodles, but not for a karaoke spot. They have very few drinks and snacks, if any.

    The location was very difficult to find. It was inside a building that had a Korean BBQ restaurant. There was no real signage, other than the sign on the business center sign and until you went inside the building.

    The gentleman was very nice. However, the business simply did not appeal to us. We wanted something more comfortable, cleaner with different eating options than what we seen. Needless to say, we did not book the room.

    Their prices were $25/hour for up to 5 people and $30-$35 for more people, depending on how many people are in the room. This was not worth it.

    It had one plus: the music came in 7 different languages.

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    Went here with a couple friends a while ago. IMHO all karaoke  booths should allow alcohol. Being spoiled in Tokyo's karaoke booths has done me no favors. However, unlike Tokyo's booths, they had an extensive array of songs to choose from, in a language I could read. FANTASTIC

    This place seemed to be kind of rundown, it could use a good makeover and scrubbing. The kid behind the counter seemed to be a little confused by us walking in and wanting to sing which was awkward... but we sorted it all out. After we got all settled and got out the flask we had a dandy time. Indeed.

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    Just like your typical good Asian restaurant (the more ghetto it is, the more chance of the food actually being GOOD!), this place is best place in Portland to karaoke!

    They have a huge selection of songs, private rooms (so that you can belt it out and only have to make your friends suffer), a bathroom (if you really, REALLY need to go and can't hold it in), some drinks and ice cream for sale (for those late night munchies), and they will even take your picture for you! Ya know how Mexican restaurants have sombreros for your bday? Yeah well, they got that, but in the form of a stuffed PENGUIN (to hold, not to wear), and you can cram into that one shot with all of your closest friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc...and they'll hang it up on the wall for you!

    If you're new to karaoke and like to sing songs not in your Native tongue, then remember to print out a sheet of whatever song you want to sing written out in English so that you sound like you know what your singing, when really, you don't.

    Oh, don't forget to bring your signature scent (for after you sing...you'll understand why), and once you got all of that, then you can get your sing on!

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    We came here from Seattle where we've been spoiled by Seattle's Best Karaoke.  This place is kinda run down...and I don't think I really saw a sign for the place.  The furniture was old and it smelled like cigarettes.

    The song selection was okay, but not very extensive.  We got most of the songs we wanted except none of them were really current.  I believe the English song selection was no more than 20 pages front and back?  I don't know what I can say about the other languages they had.

    And another thing was that songs were only arranged in alphabetical order...if you didn't know the name of the song, you were practically screwed.  I thought the standard for karaoke places at least allow people to search for songs in alphabetical order by song title OR artist?

    There is only one bathroom and it is used by either men or women.  It's not very clean, but it's understandable...I mean, the kind of people who walk into karaoke bars on late nights either just came from Taco Bell or drank a little too much.  In any case, I kept physical contact to a minimum in here and left as quick as possible.

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    so what if it's ghetto...
    so what if the sofas are old and have been there since i was in HS (true)...
    so what if the bathroom is gross...
    so what if there are cig burns in the carpet...
    so what if they are a month behind updating the latest songs?!

    whatchu know about karaoke, kid?!

    as the popular k-pop group 2NE1 would belt out... "I don't caaaaaare, i don't ca-eh-eh-eh-eh-air!"

    it's 4 stars & i'm a fan because...
    it's some darn, good cheap fun (especially with a big group of friends)!
    a great way to sing away your stress - literally....
    and it's the only NRB (norebang aka karaoke) in town!

    chinese, korean, viet, japanese, english... you choose the tune and the language!

    P.S. the sound system is actually really good and you'll feel like a rockstar! promise.

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    It's not as nice as the ones I am used to in LA but tho a little on the ghetto side they have a pretty good verity of music but needed more of a selection.

    Honestly they should invest on a coat of fresh paint and slip covers for their sofas for a quick fix.

    The bathroom was quite gross but it's nice to be able to sing with just your friends in the room.

    RATE is $20/hr

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    Three stars for the price and service. $20 an hour! That's one of the cheapest I've seen along the West Coast. Typically Korean places charge about $40 a room per hour. I was quite pleased with the cost. Service was wonderful. The attendant came in to explain what each button meant (Karaoke controller is in Korean). There is also a helpful guide located at the front and end of the binder.

    Our room smelled like burnt cigarettes. Stains were all over the carpet and we were afraid to sit on the couch. Being the germaphobe that I am, I did not lean back on the couches and sat up straight for two hours.

    Song selection was decent. Good amount of English songs, but the variety was not quite up-to-date. Still, we enjoyed singing along to 90s and early 2000s hits.

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    Singing out loud in the car or shower makes me feel like a rock star. But, I felt more legit in public, under the sparkling disco ball, with the mic and the fancy karaoke machine with an automatic applause button.

    The line-up included Meatloaf, Ace of Base, Black Eyed Peas and Michael Jackson.

    Had there been any more tambourines available, I would have snatched on up.

    We had a group of 9 and took one of the larger karaoke rooms. It took a while to figure out the song selection system, but once we got it, we were on a roll.

    For an hour of fun, it only cost about $3 each. Some people complained because there was no alcohol to provide the liquid courage to sing in public. However, there did sell kimchi  ramen bowls just in case you got the munchies while belting out tunes.

    It was an unexpectedly fun night to remember.

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    day 12 - sobering up aka nap time

    this place has been here forever. i swear its been here over 20 years. i been coming here since i was a tadpole. when they never updated the books and i had to learn all the korean and american hits from circa 1950-1988.

    its nice, cheap, and large rooms. as good if not better than any place i've seen anywhere from la to korea. they got projection screens in each room and in the lobby while you are waiting you can watch korean dramas. its pretty new and clean looking and the bathrooms don't have vomit all over it like la.

    they are open til 4am so you can come here to sing and sober up as we do or did this night. well others did, i promptly came here and found the shoulder of the nearest girl and fell asleep for a few hours. but boy was it restful! lulled to sleep by song stylings of drunk portlanders. loving it!

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