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    Our super pregnant waiter was excellent and the food was great! With all the selections my mind was racing. How can anyone hate such a classic American place that brings out sodas in huge cups? And free deep fried poppy seed rolls with butter? yuuuum. They were so good I looked up the recipe to make it at home.
    I ordered a platter with shrimp and fish and both of it was good. Not the greatest I've ever had- but your typical deep fried goodness.

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    Customer service is the last thing on their list. Just get rid of this restaurant! I do not recommend !!!

    I'm not talking about a 1 or 2 time visitor. I've ate there quite often, and every time it has been failure. Bye bye fatz

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    Mediocre food. Over priced for what you get. Staff was nice & service OK. Manager was snooty & rude. Don't bother.

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    At 9pm, I got seated in the bar area with out any choice.  The waitress was prompt but not too friendly.  I ordered a black jack bbq burger. When it arrived the waitress placed the plate on the table and said they ran out of bacon.  I was too tired to fuss about it so I took a bite.  It was like biting in to a patty of soot.  It was dry and had a burnt charcoal taste. I peeled back the bun and scrapped off the cheese and BBQ sauce.  It still didn't help.

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    Well, I went this place multiple time last year, it was great.

    Now, I don't know what happened but I went twice time during the last two weeks.

    The first time, I didn't felt good after trying the calabash chicken with shrimp but the service was good.

    The second time, the food was better (some chicken rolls) but the waitress wasn't really gentle and quite arrogant.

    The price are not cheap either; I enjoyed the bread ball. But right now, I can't recommend this place anymore for sure.

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    Met a friend for Lunch on a weekday. The waitress was pleasant. Seating at booths and nice atmosphere.

         I wasn't starved and didn't want a large meal. Looked at the menu they had Shrimp 'harpoons' with vegetables over rice pilaf for $8.95. There may have been two spoonfuls of rice under the three shrimp three 3/4" cubes of squash and two tiny tomatoes that occupied my  'harpoon' . Not the best value for lunch.

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    It was not bad! Maybe I did not grab the bill, free meal tasted better, and our waitress was young and polite.
    Every item in my Sampler is just fine; back rib was tender, chicken strips still crisp, and I ate only one shrimp giving to partner.
    I shall try one more time.

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    Special note - I only had a beer here. Well, had a few beers, but needless to say all I had were drinks here I did not try the food.

    I had an okay experience, I would concur with the other Yelp reviewers saying this is more like a Denny's than a Ruby Tuesday's. The service was good, and the big beers were cheap! The menu was rather inexpensive, and I would probably try to eat something here whenever I want to kill my dietary requirements. Haha, oops, but with a place called Fatz, how could expect to eat anything healthy?

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    At the hotel next door, they told us it was like an upscale Ruby Tuesday. Maybe an upscale Denny's is more like it! The food was just okay. Not going back. The server was just about a ghost! We hardly saw her. We think she went home before we did. Find the Ruby Tuesday instead.

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    The staff was polite and professional.  Meal of Calabash chicken & grits was quickly prepared and brought to my table, just like they were when I was last year about a year ago.

    Enjoyed the meal and still hope FATZ will open a location in Raleigh.

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    I've been to Fatz now two times. The first time was a huge bust. The second time I was pleasantly surprised. This 3rd time it was just okay.

    The service was decent every time but nothing too exceptional. The food is only decent as well. I ordered the Parm. Basa. The top looked great but underneath, on the bottom, it was burnt. My veggies were cold as was my guests.

    The dessert was small and seemed the quality of a store bought item. I'll only go back if I'm with a group of people that insist.

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    My husband and i have gone to this place twice, both in different locations. Recently this is the one we have gone to last with a couple of friends. we were seated at the tables by the bar, even though we said it wasn't okay for that location. I had ordered the salmon dish with steamed broccoli, It was completely burned at the top but covered up with the corn, tomato and avocado. it did not look appetizing and for sure tasted like a frozen fish, there wasn't even any avocado in the "sauce" the broccoli was very squishy and  oozing with water, i was going to tell one of the three waitresses that we had the whole night but my husband told me not to and just order something else cause they'll throw it away in the garbage. So i ordered fries and those were bad also, very salty and cold but burnt. such a shame, pretty much no one at our table finished their plate.

    Definitely not going here again!

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    The waitress put bread rolls on my table...they were glistening with grease. I blotted one off, took one bite, and spat it out...it was completely saturated with oil all the way through. Ugh.

    If you HAVE to eat here, about all I could recommend is a salad. Kinda tough to screw that up...or is it???

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    Meh. It's not that the food wasn't ok, or that the service wasn't friendly and sufficient. But with so many delicious BBQ joints at which to eat, why'd I spend more money per plate for chain-restaurant food that's just only so-so?!

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