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    One of the things I had forgotten about going out in Greensboro is that you can still smoke in the bars in the ol' Tarheel State.

    Now, I'm not going to sound like a whiner, but at 11 p.m. on a Saturday night, it was my group and one other at a bar with six to eight pool tables in the back. This is a big place -- there's even an outdoor patio to hang out at when the smoke gets to be too much (which is quickly, 'cause the ventilation sucks). Naturally, it wasn't open the night we were there, but that's probably because they're trying to spite me.

    The drinks are cheap, though, and there's plenty of room to spread out. So it's got that going for it, which is nice. The jukebox is waaaaay to loud, though, which was a problem when some of our fellow guests let their inner Depeche Mode out for a little while.

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