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    I live right in walking distance, been here a few times.  Nothing bad to say, people are nice, seems clean.  But nothing stands out.  Food is ok, kind of blah, go here in a pinch kinda thing.

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    I go to Ganley's sometimes because I go by it twice a day to and from work. I have had dinner there and it wasn't bad but nothing that will knock your socks off. Yesterday, I grabbed a Ruben sandwich on the way home. Ganley's Pub is suppose to be an Irish pub. It was probably the worse ruben sandwhich I ever had. My  cafeteria at work makes a ruben and it has really thick pieces of corned beef, is a lot less expensive, and it's 3 times the size. Ganley's ruben had incredibly thin pieces of corned beef and the smallest amount I had ever seen. I was very disappointed. They need to re-think having that on their menu because it's embarrassing

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    Great service, but food service food.  Could've done much better.  Very disappointing. Sorry.

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    Typical pub fare -- decent beer selection, decent food.  A good, convenient after-blue-marsh hangout.

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