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    All good.  The tables are good and the bartenders are nice and talky.  Bring friends with a good attitude and you are sure to have a good time.  The jukebox has songs you wouldn't want your grandmother or kids hearing...but then again you aren't going to take them here are you?

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    Greek Village has occupied a spot in Cedar Mill since 1971. According to the Cedar Mill News the owner of the Grapevine Restaurant has closed her doors and is bringing her bartenders and some of the Grapevine menu to her family business the Greek Village. All I can say is Amen, come soon! If ever there was a restaurant in need of an updating and a menu revamping then it would be the Greek Village Lounge.

    With a name like Greek Village you would expect some Greek food right? Well, sort of. The menu does include items like Gyros, Souvlaki, Hummus, and a Greek Burger. We thought we'd give the Gyros and a Greek salad a try.

    For starters it took over an hour for our food to arrive at the table. The Gyros looked like sliced lunch meat placed in pita bread with a meager helping of tomatoes and tzatziki sauce. Absolutely awful. The accompanying fries looked and tasted like the frozen variety. The Greek salad was a small cup of coarsely chopped vegetables, feta cheese, and a few measly pieces of pepperoncini. A teenage girl in her Home EC class could have made a better Greek Salad.

    If all you wanted to do was shoot some pool, play the lottery, drink, and enjoy pinball then I suppose you could give Greek Village four stars. The crowd isn't bad. However, if you wanted to enjoy some delicious Greek Cuisine then I'd recommend that you find another village. So happy to hear that there are some changes in store for the Greek Village Lounge. Hope to soon be writing an update for a new and improved Greek Village Lounge.

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    Not a bad bar if you are in the type of mood where you just want to sit alone and have a drink!  If you want to meet people though, I would have to say to go elsewhere... the local folks you will meet all know each other, they are old over 50, and they don't believe personal hygiene is something that is required on a daily basis!  Not to mention the bar staff is lazy and moody! The food is off the charts greasy and bad! Sorry to all those that will be offended by this but again my opinion!

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    This place is the definition of a dive bar. Great atmosphere and great affordable drinks - what could go wrong?

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    It's been a while since I've been in here, maybe 2-3 years why don't I remember be it being such a cool little hole in the wall? Went in here during an afternoon.  The bartender greeted us immediately and was very friendly. The drinks are a little on the small side if you are having a cocktail, but maybe that is a good thing? Stayed for a little bit and had some beverages, saw another buddy that we see from time to time, can't believe we've seen him in other places, I think he's stalking us (joke) but definitely got the warm little bar feeling. I'll be back in here whenever possible. Although not quite as convenient but still, a nice break from the rat race.

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    Portland dive bars tend to try too hard, but this is a dive bar that doesn't know it's a dive bar. It's authentic. It's real. It's the Greek Village.

    I don't know what it is about this place. Maybe it's the friendly waitresses who sound like they've been smoking for 20 years. Maybe I it reminds me of the bars that my mom used to take me to as a kid. Maybe it's the awesome paintings on the ceiling. Whatever it is, it's awesome.

    It's a shame that it's so far from my house because it's easy to get quite tipsy here on the cheap. The drinks are stiff and very affordable. You're not going to see any craft cocktails on this menu. In fact, they don't even have a menu, they just have a bunch of bottom shelf liquor and a jello shot of the day. Brilliant.

    So if you're looking for a good place to have some drinks with the bros while jammin' out to Marcy Playground, look no further. You might be hit on by a girl that's 3 times your age, but that's a part of the charm.

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    Yea, they have happy hour, whew hew .25 cents off, what a deal.

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    It is a dive bar, I like that their ceiling tiles are painted by different people at different times, some claim to be older then myself! Always good music playing pretty good service. The biggest bad thing is they have really bad parking lot and the outside appearence.

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    Great place!! Went with a friend last nite to shoot pool. Pleasantly surprised! the place is way bigger then what I was expecting with plenty of pool tables @ a reasonable $.50/game. Foosball table, and a so/so Air Hockey table (meaning it only kinda worked). I definately need to head back soon to try the food and practice up on my pool game.

    Overall...Excellent Service! Strong Drinks! Friendly People! Good atmosphere!

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    So I was a little put off by the image provided for this dive bar....None the less, it represents it rather well.  I'm straining my 20/13 vision thinking, "is that writing on the ceiling tile??"  It sure is, and lots of it.  Dating back years on end in fact...

    We came in to this place not knowing what to expect, the outside is for sure a lil sketch, but the parking lot was full....Alright!?!? Lets do this!!!!  

    Stepped in and it was exactly what I was expecting, dive bar with a rather open layout (wasn't expecting the open layout part actually), pool tables, Video Poker and loud metal music was blaring in the background.

    A pool tourney had just finished up and so we were able to grab a few drinks and a table to shoot around on.  Felts were in great shape, lots of cue sticks...most ranging around 20oz but I was able to find a 18oz (my preferred weight).  

    The drinks were stiff, staff was friendy, and the service was fast, drinks were up within seconds of ordering them...honestly, the servers were on point and doing a great job.

    After a while we were getting hungry, I went all out and ordered the 3/4 lb Zeus Burger.  Came with 3 1/4oz pattys stacked, topped with cheddar and bacon.  It also came with pickles, onions and the standard burger toppings....it had a side of fries that seemed to be the ore-ida brand fries, but they prepaired them well enough for my drunken self to devour the whole plate.  My wife went outside to have a cancer stick, so I ordered her a gyro.  She thought it was OK, she wasn't too impressed....Then again, my ROTD of The Gyro House points out what a damn good gyro is, so it's not like expectations were too high.

    I give this place 3 stars, why not 4? Hell, I dunno...Just didn't feel like a 4 star experience...it's possible that we will come back, we're trying to find a main watering hole and haven't completely crossed this off the list, but we are still searching for sure.

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    It's a nice local hangout.  The food is good "pub grub" and the people are friendly.

    Just curious, does anyone know if Erin the bar tender is married?  that is one fine looking woman!!

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    You know the song "I Love This Bar" by some country singer? Well. I do. (just not sure about the guy's name.) Anyway. I sing that in my head all the way to the Greek Tavern every time I go there and then again all the way back home. Out loud. On pitch. With conviction.

    Try the chicken kabobs and Greek salad if you're a healthy eater. Indulge in the mini corn dogs and wings if you are not. Fries: yum!!!

    I miss my favorite employee there, Miss Suzy. She retired, I'm told. Too bad. She made perfect martinis.


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    I'm surprised by the amount of folks mentioning "fast service" in their reviews. I've been in this true dive bar 5 times and have had consistently slow service. On a Friday night, not only is it slow, but if you don't pay attention, they might even just forget your order...

    Maybe I'm spoiled by the wonderful pubs in the southeast and northwest neighborhoods. So maybe by the limited and lacking pub scene that Beaverton has to offer, it might rank higher in that regard.

    Either way, I just don't think there's much salvation left for this place. Desperately grabbing for straws, I can at least say their drinks are pretty cheap. The pour depends on the bartenders, some who know how to flip a glass and some who don't even know where to find the glasses... And there are also a ton of pool tables, karaoke, a lot of space, and pinball!

    Alas, I've personally had negative run-ins on multiple occasions with both patrons AND staff. There's no need for backwoods attitude when a girl's just trying to chill out over a couple of drinks.

    As a tip, if you DO decide to hit up this bar, let it be known that they stop serving at 1:45, even on weekends, and they don't announce it in any way... Classy.

    Not the worst place I've been to, but if I want to have a drink and a game of pool in this 'hood, I'll just hop on over to Rococo's instead...

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    I guess it's like that old saying, "You can always go home but you can never go back". A friend of mine, who'd also been a regular, had a birthday, so we went. Relive old times and all that. It was kind of disappointing.

    Once upon a time, this was my Friday night bar home. Friendly, welcoming, Cheers-y. It's been about 2 years since I was a regular, after moving to the east side and selling my car.

    The bartenders we knew and loved are long since gone. The drinks just didn't taste the same. They didn't have Black Butte on tap anymore. They changed the french fries. The ceiling tiles are still up, the pool tables are still there, and the jukebox is still juke-boxy, but the people are different, and that makes all the difference. The kids behind the counter barely looked like they were old enough to be there, and their enthusiasm for getting the drinks out just wasn't awake.

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    Sketchy, dark, dingy on the outside.

    Sweet, affordable, fast and friendly on the inside.  

    Bar foods and drinks come cheap.

    The crowd is not bad either, it is somewhat different from your neighborhood Beaverton bar (compare this to Underground, Dr. Feelgood's or any trashy dive bar), this looks like a church.

    It can be a hit and miss when to find the young crowd but you'll still enjoy having a cheap and stiff drink.

    This is a bar, not a restaurant so don't expect anything gourmet. Don't ask for foie gras and caviar. Thank you.

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    The service is fast and friendly.  The halibut and the clam strips are to die for. The gyros are ok. The slouvaki is out of this world and the greek salads are hit or miss. The atmosphere is friendly and you can tell it is just your local neighborhood pub.

    Definitely on our new local must list!

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    Sometimes you just need to stop by the pub and get an ice cold brew.  With a wait staff that never forgets a name, Greek Village Tavern is that spot.  With 5 pool tables, pinball machines and even foosball, you can hit a ball around before calling it a night.  Free Poker and karaoke take place during the week.   Never turn down the humas, bu tto my disappointment they don't have greek lemon potatoes.
    You can't get everything but you will be remebered

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    My wife and I are from Wisconsin, and so are a few of our friends who visit this fantastic dive.  We have befriended most of the bartenders and regulars, and plan on getting our own ceiling tiles.  The food is greasy and great.  Our first few experiences left us wanting a little more out of the service, but have since not had an issue getting a drink when we need one.  And we have re-named it Sha-Boom Sha-Booms...

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    I love this bar... A ton of beer on tap, amazing gyros, and they even have a Slayer decorated ceiling tile.

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    Back when I was working at good old Encompass this bar became a very popular hang out for me and some coworkers. We went for b-day's, almost every pay day, and any other special occasion that caused a celebration.

    The food is pretty good especially the french fries. Now the outside exterior is pretty drab, so when you drive by it you don't think twice about it, but it's a fun place to be.
    I know most of the bar tenders there as well. The drinks are good although I tended too not drink a lot or venture to try new things, but eventually I did. It's a fun place for a good time. On Sunday's there's karaoke as well and some of now former coworkers enjoy singing karaoke. Now, I don't go as often as I once did since don't have a lot of money coming in right now due to going to school again.

    Lastly, I disagree with Sam Y as well on this. It's not a hick bar yes there are a few people there that are regulars that you may think are hicks, but I've seen a variety of people in there. Especially with the group I was with, none of us would be even close to being a hick.

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    Hole in the wall hick bar near my parents house in Oregon. But its good liquor, pool tables, games, and drunk hillbillies. What more does an aZn need? Its good for a laugh.

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