For my West coast friends, Hardee's is Carl's Jr. on the East Coast.
It used to be it's own chain but was bought out by the company that owns Carl's Jr in the nineties.
Last time I ate there (at least 10 years ago) they didnt carry the fried zuccini that Carl's jr have. The menu was pretty much the same though. Since I like Carl's Jr and I liked what I remember of Hardee's; I am giving 4 stars.
*fun fact*
Hardess actually have a location in Muscat, Oman (Oman is a country connected to Saudia Arabia and just below Iran (or Persia... i like calling it Persia. The name is cooler. And it remindes you of the movie and the games. Prince of Persia. Of course Argo is out now won an Oscar and everything which took place in Iran not Oman.) I don't think I will ever eat at this location... unless I become rich... and I am sure I won't become killed for entering this country. Not saying it is a bad country I just don't know. And so many people don't like Americans, heck American's don't even like American's half of the time. Unless I learn to speak another language then I could try to pass as someone else when I travel abroad. lol. Oh, one more thing speaking of Persian. Muscat is Old Persian for Strong Scented...........
*end fun fact*