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    We stopped in to OBrien's which Hotshots is now known as. We wanted to use our groupon for lunch. It was great - food came quickly, the waitress who was also the bartender waited on us and really treated us topnotch. Plus, just so nice. I enjoyed looking at the sports memorabilia. Craig, my husband thought the place was boring, but I liked the simplicity. Not too much crap hanging around. And the music was lowkey and not crazy loud. I liked the different rooms and the pool table and fireplaces. The food?  YUMMY!  Well, my burger was to die for. I could tell they mixed in something good in the hamburger. It was cooked to perfection. I asked for Medium and it WAS medium!  I downed that thing! I Liked that if you don't want fries, you save a buck. I don't need those things! Craig got some with his sandwich and I just had some of his. He got the pork grinder. Too much meat and not really that tasty to me. But, maybe because I had just had a burger. Carson is a vegetarian and he got pasta.  It LOOKED SO good!  And he said it was. Really loved how clean this place looked. It definitely is NOT a dive bar. But I think it has the atmosphere of one - character and friendliness without the sticky floors and tables.

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    Very comfortable layout and excellent bartenders, very friendly.  It has a neighborhood feel to it.  ;)

    The food is great, much better and more upscale than your typical "bar food".

    Wendy & Jimmy rock!

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    This is by far my favorite bar in the area and my regular hangout. This is one of the most friendly and laidback bars I have ever been to. Tim the owner takes the time to learn your name and make everyone feel at home. All of the bartenders including Kayle, Jessica, Wendy and Jimmy are awesome. Sorry if I miss someone. They also have very reasonably priced drink and great food, especially the weekend specials.

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    Went here to watch the Bears lose (again...)  and to see an old friend. It was $2 domestic beers too, so not too bad!  It used to be a restaurant here  so they have a pretty big kitchen.  The menu is definitely bar food but they have a nice variety of things to choose from.

    One of the items I considered was a catfish po-boy but in the end, I ordered the nachos.  They were well layered with goodies, not just dry chips on the bottom, and I was told the chips are homemade....The goodies included a couple different cheeses, olives, chicken, sour cream, onion (not obnoxious chunks), tomato and diced avocado (big plus!). I'm sure I may be missing something...

    My HB ordered the Texas eggrolls that were really big. I didn't try one (I was too engrossed in the nachos and I really didn't want more fried food) but they were filled with ground beef and chili peppers. Unfortunately he thought they were too greasy...

    Once the bar got a bit crowded (just after half time) the owner put out a couple pizzas for the crowd to nosh. I was too full, didn't try the pizza. I got another beer instead....

    Popcorn was on the bar too but it had no seasoning.  I just can't eat dry popcorn!  Yuck!  Put some salt on those baskets!  

    This was a Sunday afternoon crowd of neighborhood people who know each other and are into watching the game.  There are about six Toshiba flat screens in this place, VERY clear pictures!  It was great to watch the game here....People were friendly without being creepy.

    One of the best parts of this place is the layout. You have the typical longer bar but there are also two attached rooms, one with a pool table. The pool table wall has a fireplace that is shared with another room that looks like it would be good to have a private party in.  I wish it had been a cold night to try out the fireplace!

    I saw flyers for a band so they have live music too.  

    Decor is a bit sparse but that's likely cuz it's new and knowing the owner, all kinds of stuff is going to end up on the walls!  He tends to collect lots of stuff he finds along the way.  

    One possible drawback: single bathroom for the ladies which, after $2 beers, might become a problem!  :)

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    What a dump!
    I came all the way up from Oswego for the Palatine Street Fest. They (my friends) wanted to try the new place in Palatine. Yuk, the food was gross and the waiter when paid kept the change which was quite a lot, when we asked about it, he said "well that;s my tip!" We argued for a moment and then some men, (clowns) at the bar began to put me down by saying that if I needed exact change that the big building across the street was a bank in case I didn't know. I was so upset, I asked to see a manager and the man that came out said and I quote. " Oh well, whatever" . We never got our change and we left and will never be back. What a way to run a business. They have no idea, and besides that I believe the encourage their servers to steal. Don't go there, of course unless you are one of the low life in Palatine which is what we saw at the bar for the most part.

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