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    Place is okay.  Within walking distance from Saxon Woods...the only reason I went.  Very good people watching...I agree with a single woman not going alone.

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    Not sure where all the bad reviews are coming from but this place is solid.  Never had a warm beer and I haven't had bad service.  The food is good for bar standards and the crowd is very diverse.  Give Jacks a try. If you aren't too uptight its a great bar!

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    Last time we were there the food was charred and indelible. Service was honestly the worst I have ever seen in a restaurant/bar. There seems to be one good server, but we never seem to get her.

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    Went to this place to meet a friend. Sat at a table with my husband and he ordered a beer from the waitress and she went to go get it. Another waitress walks in from out side and ask us what we want and we tell her we already ordered. The fist waitress comes back and the beer we get is warm. We wait for our friend and while we are sitting there I felt really uncomfortable. There was a table of people next to us and there was a drunk guy necking with a woman. And there ratio of men to woman was higher. Seems like a men's bar. Not really woman friendly. I liked that they had poker tables but it took up to much of the bar and made it feel cramped and over whelming. Wont go back ever.

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    It is a HUGE safety issue, as a single female, when bartenders lie about where your drink is coming from. NEVER again. Shady, shady, shady.

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    Never have been to a restaurant before that refused to fix your order. Especially if it is as easy and essential a thing as heating up nachos so that the cheese actually melts. Quite shocking and off-putting and, frankly, the rudest thing that I have ever experienced in a bar or restaurant. Even the manager couldn't be bothered to fix it. Not good.

    Our waitress, however, was very kind and apologetic though it was in no way her fault.

    I was never the biggest fan of Jack's Pub or the Tavern before it, but the blatant rudeness expressed last time sealed the deal. Crummy service, terrible music, unoriginal design, and an overall depressing feeling. There are plenty of better places in McKinney to take your patronage. Avoid this place.

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    Jack's has turned around.  Service is much better and the food is very good for the price.  It seems the owner has gotten rid of the bad servers and is making an effort.  The only gripe I have is that the beer on tap is not ice cold.

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    This used to be the McKinney Bar and Grill.  When it was such, it was kind of a sports bar theme and it was an all right place to drink.  I would not call a great experience.  They had a fairly regular bar crowd.  One day, the place closed.  For whatever reason, that was, the place was shut down.

    A couple of months later, I found it reopened.  There was no sign up and so I walked in.  There were some minor changes to the interior.  OK, we thought we would try it.  They did change the menu.  It took awhile before anybody figured out that we may want service.  What we ordered was nothing special.  I do not remember what the drinks were priced at.

    Another couple of months went by, the sign finally got hung up.  The menu was the same.  I do remember this occasion better and I can comment that this place was marginal as McKinney Grill and it has gotten worse.  The service was marginal with the prior owners and worse now.  I think I recall a waitress with all kinds of tattoos.  Furthermore, the place is really not very clean.

    One comment made on 8/18 about this being the diamond of McKinney makes me kind of laugh.  I have lived here for quite awhile and if this the diamond, I hate to see what the rest of what we have to offer as a town has in store for those that visit this great town.

    Frankly, if I am the owner or someone that is actually looking for a place to sit down and I see five reviews with one star and then one with five stars, I would start thinking about what to do to change that.  Otherwise, you might as well do McKinney a favor and shut it down.  In a better part of McKinney and near Stonebridge, this place is a dump.

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    No drink menu. Just a list of different alchohols. For instance, it says "Vodka" and lists different types of vodka. Then "Whiskey" and so on and so on. How are you supposed to order a drink with this menu? Not smart.
    Drinks were overpriced and average.
    Service was okay. Although our waitress' boyfriend, or whatever he is to her, came in and ordered a salad and she sat there eating it with him while we were waiting on the bill.
    Lots of regulars here. If you aren't one, this probably isn't the place for you.
    Our food was a little pricey but not crazy, and very below average. The "Macho Nachos" were like the nachos you get at 7-11. The fried pickles were terrible. Didn't know you could mess those up.
    Mckinney doesn't have a lot of great bars so we gave this one a shot. We won't be going back.

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    Well that's the first and last time I'll ignore these reviews.  Nice waitress.  Bad bar food.  Soggy chicken sandwich with a flavorless breast.  Avoid if u can.

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    Horrible service.  Took an hour to get an appetizer and one drink.  She only had 3 tables!  I asked the waitress for a Stoly's Martini dirty.  She repeated it back to me as a Stella?  WTF?  Then when it finally came she put a lime on the rim and no olives.  Geeze.  Enough said about this place.

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    Americanized suburban bar with very little character.  The menu was alright.  The drink menu was a different sad story altogether.  I guess I have unreasonably high expectations for beers on tap.  Karaoke on Wednesday nights from 8-12.

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