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    I feel kind of bad calling this place scary, because it's not really the bar itself that freaks me out- it's the clientele. The bar isn't bad at all. It's named for all the semi-witty t-shirts that line the ceiling and you've got the standard bar games like darts. A big Packers painting lines part of the back wall.

    Drinks are cheap, it's loud- but not so much you can barely hear. The owner's usually wandering around talking to people or slinging drinks behind the bar.

    Every time I've been here I've seen prostitutes soliciting people. Every time I've gotten some sort of sleazy pickup line. I feel like I'm being mentally undressed every time I walk in.

    I don't necessarily feel like I'm in danger, I just feel really, really, really uncomfortable.

    Come here for the cheap drinks, but if you're someone who feels threatened when around some pretty sketchy characters it's a good idea to bring a very mean-looking friend along.

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