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    Seems like everyone has a good time at this place.  Price varies depending on the star quality of the headliner.  We saw Bob Zany who was very funny and nationally known.  

    Wait staff visited frequently to make sure your drinks were full.  

    Note there is a two drink minimum, but prices are reasonable.

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    Decent place... the seats are a bit too close together for my comfort. No idea why the servers had to crawl over people to get to us [we sat in the middle]. Why not add an aisle?

    The owner seems to like to get onstage, and although he can be funny, it seems like all he is trying to do is get into some cute girls pants...

    The drinks are overly priced - for what they should be paying for the booze, they are charging a huge overhead. I bought a can of Monster - it was $5!!! I can buy two at the gas station for cheaper!

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    Had no idea this place existed in Bloomington! Went on a Friday night and came really early for the show (about 7:15 for an 8:00 show). Admission is $12 (an absolute steal!) and there is a two drink minimum. Played some pool and hung out before we took our seats.

    There's a full bar and I'm not sure if they serve food, but it looked like people brought food in from other places. The show opened with the emcee who did an OK job, definitely had some good one liners. Next was the feature, and he killed it! The headliner was unbelievably funny. We were laughing from the moment he was called on stage and even after we left the club. My jaw, ribs, abs, and cheeks were in pain from laughing so much!!

    I'd recommend this to anyone looking for awesome entertainment in Bloomington! It'd be great if they can make it 18+ instead of 21+. They really need to do a better job advertising - no one knows about this place! Great times were had. The staff was awesome and extremely friendly!

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    Pretty fun place to get some laughs at.  Only $11 for tickets and $6 pitchers!  Super cheap!  Right by lucca grill and a parking garage.  Close to all the bars too.  Call ahead and get a table reserved, they fill up fast!   Oh and the bathrooms are grrroooosssss!   Womens bathroom floor is super sticky!!!!!

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    Great bar and awesome drink specials. The comedians that open aren't that great to be honest. I would spend that time in the bar. However the pros/headliners are always great. It's a nice alternative to going to the bars downtown or going to a movie (is there anything else in Blo-No to do?)

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    A great little comedy club that is just getting its start. Good local openers and the headliners are full-on professionals. Saw Dale Jones from Nashville last night - the best talent to hit their little stage yet! If you like comedy without all the overpriced "chain club" expense and bluster, then this place is the spot! Laugh is a great place to go for a night of great comedy nightlife. Go early for the 8 o'clock shows and shoot some free pool or shuffleboard. Definitely 5 stars!!!

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    A great time at a reasonable price! We've been here several times and always had fun. The two opening comedians and the MC usually have a few minutes of good material but the headliners are pros and kill for 45 minutes or so. Beer is very reasonable. Premium bottles (Newcastle, Fat Tire, etc.) are only $4!
    Try something new and fun! You'll like it!

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    $11 gets you a great time and about 1 1/2 hours of entertainment on Thurs - Sat at 8:00.  Pretty much cheaper than a movie, soda and popcorn!  I so hope BloNo can keep this venue going.

    Domestic bottles were $3.  Draft specialty beers (Bell's Oberon and Boulevard) were $4.  We went last night and it was a great crowd and hilarious comedy.

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    Wow, this place is awesome.
    Came here on a Friday night not knowing what to expect. Grabbed a beer and laughed my butt off the entire show. There were 3 hilarious comedians who really got the crowd involved and everyone was having a great time.
    The doorstaff was so friendly and the Host of the show was really great.
    If you want a great night out, head to Laugh and that is just what you will do.
    Great beer prices and specials. Bartenders were great too.
    Tell your friends. You will be glad that you did.

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