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    Came here with a groupon. First off in the middle of no where but Hey I have found some great places in the middle of no where. We go on a fri night about 11pm there is bouncer outside and we get patted down.. which for a lounge is odd to say the least but when you look at the area i can see why they have him couple people fighting and not the best area. We walk in and the place is empty I mean dead dead dead. Not a soul in the place. Ok not a problem, were not there to talk to other people anyway. Our waitress comes over and we order 2 drinks and our hookah then show her the groupon. she says "oh I dont know what is included in that let me get the manager" The time the manager comes over the drinks and hookah are just coming to the table as he is walking up to us. The manager then states " Did you make a reservation?" I look around at the dead empty place with the staff sitting down and talking and say "No" , Oh he said "you need to make a reservation" Ok I say no problem let me make one now... he responds that they dont take reservations on weekend.. I asked if there was a party coming in he said No.. I got up and walked out this "manager" seems to want his place to be dead and no interest in bringing in new customers. look at the reviews in the filtered section.. all one stars.

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    Cozy space, comfy couches, awesome entertainment and they even have massage chairs!  The staff is really friendly, and they have good music and the best hookah!   They even have live belly dancers on the weekends.  A high end place in queens. I always have a great time, and they play great music! If you want a manhattan experience and stay local, lava lounge is the spot.

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    I was really impressed with Lava Lounge.   This place belongs in NYC.  The decorations and decor were gorgeous, the stereo system was great, the lighting was great, and so were the black leather couches.   The big bouncer outside made me a bit uncertain, but he was nice, and when I got in, I was surprised to see that we were the only people there at ten PM.   Eventually, another couple came in.  The waitress and bartenders were great, and the hookah was tasty (it was my first time really trying hookah).  They didn't have the best beer selection, but the ice cold Blue Moons worked.   At the end, they brought us all shots of some delicious vodka shot, complimentary.  I wish them luck!!!

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    Good Place for a hooka after work.........

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    Ridgewood needed a place like this, it is beautiful inside. The ambiance is amazing. The place is huge & there is parking in the back of the building . The drinks are huge & strong, the hookah is the best hookahs I have ever tried. They are very different than what is out there, the service is amazing & the owner is very cool, he even bought us 3 rounds of shots & we did not even spend that much money in there. The music is amazing , they have live DJ's in the weekends, I love that the DJ plays from a booth that comes from the ceiling, Looks very cool. The only thing I would say needs improvement is that they need to have more food, so far they only serve free chips & salsa but I wish they had other things. Overall I think this is a great place to go to when you don't want to pay city prices but have a city feel.

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