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    Oh yeah, per reviews, wicked townie 'dive' bar - that's actually why I checked it out.

    This joint would probably have a ton more good reviews, but it looked like the majority of people there at lunch weren't big on using The Internets. Good crowd, with a ton of funny (probably inappropriate) banter going back and forth across the bar. Leave the kids at home.

    Tried the Barnyard sub based on other reviews and wasn't disappointed... was like 8 bucks for a big steak/chicken sub, fries, pickle, and slice of watermelon... and 4 bucks for Murphy's on tap. Lunch, two beers, and a ~25% tip later, and I was out of there for about 23$.

    Fully intend on heading back. Check it out or miss out.

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    The perfect townie dive bar. If you are not from the area, be prepared to hear lots of talk about "THAT fahkin kid", whoever he may be, or "THAT fahkin ho-ah", whoever she may be, and just enjoy the pints of PBR that are under two bucks. If you are feeling classy, spring for a seasonal Sam Adams draft for 3 dollars.

    Lisa and Sam are awesome bartenders. They don't fuck around, so tip them well.

    On weeknights, you will probably be watching The Simpsons, with sound, if sports are not on. You should only order a cocktail if by "cocktail" you mean a liquor mixed with soda.

    Karaoke is... interesting. There is an old regular here who is the Lord of the Mic. I'm not revealing his name, because you will learn it if you are worthy, but you can't miss his classic rock adaptations. Sometimes, late on Saturdays, karaoke turns into a sort of metal-fest, and it feels like a hate-crime might break out. It's cool though. The ladies behind the bar would stop that shit right-quick.

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    dive dive dive...and really of the awesome kind, local color, cinderblock walls, cheap drinks, strange rangers coming and going, awkward bathroom situation...what more could you ask for in a dive? Perfect!

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    Maguire's Tavern is first and foremost a "Townie Bar". The food is simple, the decor is simple, and there is always a game on. The barnyard w/Rice is a simple dish with steak and chicken tips covered with melted american cheese. I love it. They have a "burger of the week" which you have to ask about when you  seat yourself. I have never had a meal I wouldn't order again. If you like fancy food, go somewhere else but if you love good  comfort food at a great price, Maguire's is the place to go.

    The bartender always knows what I want to drink even better than I do. Last time I asked for a Shipyard and she corrected me and brought me a Harpoon IPA which is in fact what I prefer. Everyone there is friendly and within a few weeks of moving to Dracut we were treated like regulars by both the staff and other patrons.

    One more thought, When my wife and I go there we can get two meals with two pints of good draft IPA for $20 with tip. I can't even name a sub shop where I can do that anymore. It is located at the end of a strip mall that must be a steel building faced with brick as cell phones do not work (ATT) at the bar which suits me just fine.

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    Hickory bacon cheeseburger and skin-on fries for $5. Back to that in a minute.

    First of all, you're in Dracut. Second, Maguire's sits on the end of a Scandinavian ski villa strip mall and has the cold, sterile interior of a hospital cafeteria. Cafeterior, if you will. Third, you're still in Dracut.

    But lordy lordy, strap in a forty! The bar mistress was cool as shit, handing us the daily specials written in pencil on a flash card and cracking wise all night. Potent cocktails from well to top-shelf cost $5.75 and draft beers ran $3. The jukebox played your song on demand because the crowd had better things to think about (perhaps, "how did I end up in Dracut?") and the better-than-average hickory bacon cheeseburger with skin-on fries were only five freakin' dollars.

    Almost stuck around for karaoke (8pm, Saturdays) but got freaked out by a guy that looked like the dude who wrote, directed and starred in The Room. Picture Gene Simmons and Cris Angel walking into the same pod from the The Fly. Shitty movie reference overload: terminate review program.

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    Awesome dive bar, cheap drinks, decent food.....

    If you are hungry, two words barnyard sub.

    Its steak tips and chicken tips smothered in cheese and its !@#!$%ing AWESOME!!!!!


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