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    As many times as I've been in their parking lot for the numerous We Hungry Meets that were held the past couple years, I've never actually went in and ordered, until the most recent We Hungry Meet. So, I managed to drag my bestir/roomie to a car meet, which is not easy, so I knew that food had to be involved to keep her quite happy. It started raining the MINUTE we walked inside which I, and her BF, were lucky for because she definitely would not have been happy.

    While inside, our waitress informed us that we can only order from the piece of paper that was conveniently placed on the table for us. There really isn't much to order when you come to the meets... so she decided just a basket of fries. The waitress then informed us that that was not possible unless she got the chicken tenders with fries, so she said sure, whatever, and got the chicken tenders.

    It took a while to get her order out, and she realized that the honey mustard lacked the honey and wanted to get barbecue sauce instead. Simple right? Apparently not. We waited over 15 minutes for barbecue sauce. After asking countless times, the waitress told my beau that the order was put in and they are waiting for the chef to make it. Uhm... what? Especially if the barbecue sauce tasted like one out of a bottle... alright.

    Service was terrible, and we practically had to stand and wait to get our card back to be able to walk out.

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    I've been here twice now and I would probably be here more often if I lived in the area. I think MBC is one of the better pool halls I've been to in the Atlanta area. Not all the tables are in great condition but they're all serviceable....normal wear and tear is to be expected. I think the tables along the wall (green felt) are in the best condition and the tables in the middle with blue felt can be iffy. There's also a private room (The Viper Room) that is rentable for events but I didn't check the table conditions in there.

    I've only had the food once and I thought it was adequate. However, they do have a large selection of sandwiches and appetizers and also a full bar.

    What I really like is that they run all sorts of pool and poker tournaments here.

    It is smoky in there but it's not as bad as some other places I've been to. It could be the high ceilings or maybe they just have better ventilation.

    Overall, I really like the place but I wish I lived closer.

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    came by today/night.. pretty awesome lot of cool cats playing pool by themselves that I met and played with..$3.50 an hour for pool great deal. 1/2 off Wings 5-9 and on a Saturday! and $3 drafts... came in by myself had a great time but I'm pretty awesome so I always have fun lol overall mad chillin made me wanna move to Marietta almost.. anyways bak to Miami I go!

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    This pigsty is pretending to be a pool hall.
    Shame on the owners (Davenport and Archer) for allowing the hall to be run in such disrepair. And where do you suppose the owners play pool? On their special high end table!

    The tables are in terrible condition. Lots of holes in the felt.
    The menu was just overhauled to be more expensive.
    Higher food prices yield nothing towards quality.

    They run the place like a sweat box. So so hot. Deliberately turning off the AC to (seemingly)  save money. I was dripping sweat during my last match.

    Insanely loud music. Heavy metal played at concert hall volume.

    Oh- let's not forget the smoke. Shooting pool at this hall is probably the same as smoking a pack of unfiltered Camels. You will walk out STINKING of smoke.

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    The tables are perfect, but the ambiance is tolerable! It gets very smoky here but thats what you expect from a billiard place! Food is very tasty! I wish they would bring poker back! Go for lunch to play for free if you order food!!!

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    Great tables and good service ... Tournaments on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

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    MBC is located at a shoddy strip mall that made me question about safety. :/

    Ladies play free on Wednesdays, and otherwise cheap pool specials. Beer is cheap, but the mixed drinks are nothing to tell your friends about. They can't even make a midori sour, even though the bartender was boasting about his drinks. Meh. I ordered the black widow (roast beef with bacon) and it was SO salty, I couldn't get past two bites and gave up.

    I guess this place is cool for the broke college kids or the pervy old men looking for something to do on a weekday. You won't see me back there though!

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    Friends and I had a great time, and it was super cheap as we had 5 women in our group of 8 and it was ladies night.  This of course allows you to rationalize more money at the bad (and rationalize we did).  Fun, inexpensive and non-crowded night out.  Never felt like we were stepping on any other tables' toes.

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    Came here tonight for some stick and ball. I'd been before but it's been a minute since I've even played a game of pool. After a few beers... I gotta tell ya, I still wasn't really that good.

    Spacious is right!!! The pool hall has tables as far as the eyes can see. I'd venture to guess about 30 tables in all for guests to shoot on and each table is specific to what you want. Pocket size varies for all of you avid pool fans.

    We were provided with table side service which was nice. Nice girl too... had the greatest joke ever that I had yet to hear.

    "Chuck Norris never won an Academy Award... because he's not acting"

    Gotta love some good Chuck jokes!

    So my qualms:

    You go to Pool halls to drink, maybe smoke if that's your cup of tea, play pool (obviously) and listen to good music. I couldn't even get bad music to play. They had a jukebox in the corner that was way over priced. When no song was selected deafening silence echoed inside of the walls of this place. It felt like closing time and they were waiting for us to finish up.  What? No house system that plays? I had to ask 3 times to get some kind of jams on the system. When they finally obliged, they had to put their own money in the jukebox. Wtf??? That's just dumb.

    They have 1! Count it everyone... 1! nine ball rack in the entire house. I'm aware it's not hard to rack your own (that's what she said) but you should still provide more for your customers.

    Last and not least... $11 an hour to play pool. I thought that was a bit steep. We had a good time though. Quality sticks, tables, and plenty of each. I have to find a place like this ITP that's a little cheaper though.

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    Real chil, spacious place to play pool, darts, poker, or drink. Me and Deandre L. went specifically to play pool and definitely enjoyed it. We played for 2 hours trash talking about which one of us was the best. In the end it was a tie so we will have to go back again. Prices are reasonable I guess. 1 person/hr is $5, 2 or more is $10/hr. They also have a special on MOndays: have lunch and play pool free!

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