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    This really is a decent place. Good drink prices and food but...something just never feels right here. Almost like you aren't welcome and they'd rather have no business than yours. Also, it wouldn't hurt to clean the place every once in a while...

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  • 0

    Truth be told, we went for a private party...

    Pot pies were amazing!  I'm definitely coming for another!  Staff was great!  Attentive! Kept up with multiple bills.  

    Read some knocks on it...  But come on man!  It's and English pub!  What you expect?  Linen napkins?   Stale beer smell is piped in!

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  • 0

    After walking in to the smell of stale spilled beer and crunching on our feet... we picked an elevated booth with a view of the bar...... in the only one that was clean enough to sit down at...

    I'm not sure if a massive wave of 100 patrons just flooded out of the place two minutes before we walked in... but that's certainly how it looked; food, drink glasses, red baskets with partially eaten food, and napkins were strewn everywhere.

    After a minute or so, an employee near the bar told us, "Hey, your server will be right with you,"

    "Okay, thanks!"

    So we waited...

    ... and waited...

    That same employee seemed to be serving the other half of the bar, but was apparently too busy with her ONE table to take our drink order or something.  There was a management-type guy, in a pink shirt, hanging at one end of the bar semi-wiping something up and chatting with one of the customers.  The bartender herself looked at us no less than three times.

    "Hey, babe... I'm not feeling very welcome and the place is pretty ratty anyway - wanna just try somewhere else?"

    "Let's give it three more minutes.  A bunch o' Yelp reviews claim the food is great."

    Three minutes later, we walked out.

    Ironically, as we were leaving, the pink-shirt-management-type-guy was out in the parking lot talking to someone else getting in her car and asked us, "How you doin' folks?"

    "Great now; thanks!"

    Hey... at least I can take the bookmark off this place and mark it down as a don't-get-within-10-feet-of-ever-again!

    P.S. - the bar selection is lousy anyway, with prices higher than average.  We were really just banking on the bar-grub saving the place... but it's definitely not worth it to find out...

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