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    It's McDonald's.  They are open late and have tasty ice cream.  The staff seems friendly enough.  The inside is clean.  Okay by me.

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    I can not believe I am eating here!

    It is 1am and there is no food anywhere.  It is times like this I miss home.  The kid at the drive thru was a little jerky to me at 1am but at this hour he has to deal with drunk people...I was just exhausted after working all day and did not need attitude.  I ordered a burger and he said, "Medium or Large?". I then said, "I don't understand?". And he kept saying, "Medium or Large?". After 4 times you might want to create a new sentence.  He was referring to a Value Meal...which I did not want.  I only wanted a burger.  McDonald's just doesn't get it that I don't need any more fat for 85 cents...just give me a burger.  

    I then had to wait 7 painful minutes at the window while my burger was being cooked.  Longest I've ever waited for McDonald food. On the flip side it was the first time I ever had a steaming meat patty from McDonald's.  I had to let it cool down.  I got the Angus burger and was not really impressed.  Sorry I wasted my money.  I thought the onion would be fantastic but it was way to over powering to be enjoyable.

    The burger and Service were complete unacceptable. I will never come here again...because I do not live in this city.  If I did live here, then I would move because of this place.  But I wouldn't have to move far because there were like 2 more up the road.

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    It seems that the employees could care less about their customers after 7:00 p.m.

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