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    I've not encountered a club in Michigan or anywhere else quite like Mephisto's. For that alone, full stars.

    Mephisto's is a venue/club located in an old Victorian house on Florian just off of Joseph Campau of all places.

    When I say "house" I don't mean it's tiny. Actually it's huge; Mephisto's has three floors, two djs at any time, and four bars (or five if you count the Tiki bar outside). There's a strange labyrinth feel to the place - it's very easy to get lost in the hidden stairway or on the second floor especially, where there are a couple of lounge-ish rooms, a baby grand piano, and a stage area where either music videos are played or the bands will perform. The first floor contains the largest of the dance floors and bars, as well as cage dancers. Upstairs is sometimes rented for private events, but has a quieter atmosphere, it's own balcony, and a smaller bar area.

    The music primarily focuses on goth/industrial, but they have other flavors going on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as live music on some of those days.

    It reminds me of one of those stereotypical goth clubs you see in movies - either because of the people that go there, or the design of the club reminds me of a club in New Orleans circa 1994.

    Either way, I'd suggest checking it out for something off the beaten path.

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