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    This place was horrible!! We all placed our order together and the waitress came back twice to ask us what we ordered.  Then I receivedy order and ten minutes after that my daughter received her orde then 10 minutes after that the boys got their order then a few minutes later my in laws got theirs.  My husband didn't get his dinner until we were all finished.  The waitress blamed it on the kitchen.  I think everybody who worked there were on crack.  To top it off the food was terrible!!  Will NEVER go there again!

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    Great deep dish pizza.  What I really like about it is that although there's plenty to it, it's not greasy.  There's enough cheese, and without it oozing leaving you feel like you ate a brick.  They also put a lot of whatever ingrediant you ordered, so you feel like you taste it, and not blobs of cheese.  The sauce is not sweet, which I love, because I can't stand sweet sauce at all.  I find the crust to be great, because again, it's not greasy.

    I was happy when I ordered the deep dish the first time and realized it was good.  Finally some deep dish that you can eat without feeling like a greasy mess afterwards.

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    We often order out for lunch, and Michael Anthonys is one of our fav's. They have a coupon for a 14 inch cheese plus 1 ingredient pizza plus a 2 liter RC for 9.99 with 2 dollar delivery fee. This is a phenomenal price. It used to be a thicker crust and had alot more cheese and the plus 1 extra, its not as filling as it was but we still love it! If you do order it will take about an hour for delivery but its worth the wait!

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    No complaints.

    Great place!

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    I go because this is the spot my old school mates choose to have our bi-yearly get togethers.  Pizza is just ok.  Havent had anything else on the menu.
    Sorry, its just not on my list of great eats.

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    We order pizza from here all the time.  I love the super thin crust and that the pizza comes with the cheese browned on top which is my favorite way.  My husband loves the pepperoni pizza here because it gets crispy.  We also get the soup delivered on occasion and it's always good.  I have not been in the restaurant in years so I can't comment on it, but they do send coupons with every pizza which is always appreciated.

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    the pizzas good, especially  if you go on sunday when they have the all you can eat pizza and pasta buffet. its pretty cheap and all you need to do is order sodas. If you want a refill on your soda there is a one time fee of 50 cents and all refills after that are free. Maybe the only complaint I have is the people from the bar can get too drunk and you see them stumbling around to the wash room or a beer garden out back.

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    the owner is nice

    the bartenders are nice...

    Great food and drink specials during Blackhawks and Bears games...

    Good crowd.. Prize give aways during Sunday football.

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    This place is great. Not only is the food outstanding, but CHEAP! Two people can have a drink and meal for under 20 bucks! Also, the drinks are poured strong and the bar has trivia. I moved out to Westmont awhile back, yet still find myself driving 45 min to come at least 2x per month!

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    Yea, the food here is not great.  However, the drinks are cheap and the space is large. So when the faculty needs to party this is often the first stop.

    We ended our school year, ascended upon this space and drink our way into the summer.  It's kinda like three or four different restaurants in one.  There's a bar with a jukebox and one of those computer trivia game things that I can never figure out.  There is an outdoor spot for smokers and and two open airy spot with booths and tables to sit and have a meal. You can have a small gathering in the smaller dining area if you want a private party feel.

    The bathroom is nothing to brag about but it's always clean and I appreciate that.

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    You go here for the atmosphere, not the food. The food's decent, but nothing to brag about. Their thin crust is super-thin, so make of that what you will.

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    Thin crust is "OK", but I've had better. It is a bit doughy/chewy. Wish it was crispier.

    I do not like their stuffed pizza at all - the sauce is not very good and the crust is not very tasty either.

    Sometimes I've got it overcooked and burnt - do they take a look at it when if comes out of the oven?

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    I can't believe the negative comments about his place.  Ate there a bunch of times when I was a kid.  My favorite was their thin crust with bacon on it.  However, never get their beef sandwich because its awful.

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    The staff must have been smoking doobies every time I've ordered from this place. Either they get the pizza wrong or last time, we asked for carry out and they ended up delivering it. Fixing this problem was actually not that hard but ended up with the driver making 2 trips to our house and my husband returning home with no pizza.

    The pizza is just okay. Nothing horrible, nothing great. I wish their thin crust was a little crispier.

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    They have been a neighborhood staple for years.  They're omnipresent as sponsors for one sports team after another.  You will always find a crowd of regulars in here.  But honestly, the food's not all that great.

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