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    I have no idea how many stars to give this place. We went here, for some ungodly reason, for a friend's bachelor party. As my friend (the one getting married) said repeatedly throughout the night, "This place is the Twilight Zone." Probably the best description of it I've heard (though "Wrinkle Ranch" which someone posted earlier is pretty accurate too). It's like if you took all the decor from a Holiday Inn lobby and put it in a large dance club, then blasted bad music, then recruited from nearby retirement homes. There are people wearing things that any sane person would NEVER wear, such as tight pink unitards, cheetah pants, and polyester shirts. It's like that terrible meat market bar at your college travelled 35 years through time. I still can't get over it. I'm going to go back and bring my wife, just so she can see what I was talking about. I don't think a description does it justice. You have to live Michael's Cafe.

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    Creepy. Sleazy. 'Nuff said.

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    I've never been here for food so I can't comment on that. This is a very different kind of Saturday night club.  The crowd is very diverse (age and ethnicity) but tips towards an older crowd (40s, 50s). 20 somethings are far and few between.  The music (mostly top 40)  and people watching are great. The dance floor is huge and there are several bars. Ladies, you will never dance alone.  You may not find the dance partner of your dreams, but you'll have a dance partner. The cover charge is a nominal $5 and the line to get in leads right to the coat check which makes things easy.

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    Michael's is just one of those places you have to go to.  You don't know why, I can't even tell you why-  but you just do.  It 's so tacky and bad that it's good.  Its definitely more geared towards the 40-50 population.  The music is outdated sometimes.  Every once and a while they throw in a new song or two.  Great beer specials (10 cups of beer for 20 bucks).  never ate their food though so I cant judge that.
    Take a few shots, you won't care about all of the balding men and the cougars.

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    Michael's is like the proverbial train wreck that you can't take your eyes off of.  That beign said, my group and I had a blast.  The beer and music really take a back seat to the people watching.  It is not uncommon to see the elderly, people with mullets, old women in booty shorts, or any combination thereof mixing it up with one another.  It is hilarious.  At 25 I'm pretty sure I was the youngest by three decades.  I would put the median age at around 67.
    I didn't have food, so I can't speak to that.  The bottled beer was a little overpriced for my liking ($4 for a limey), but they were running a draft special at the time I was there.  The shots were good.  The DJ was also very good.  
    The one problem I had with Michael's was the litany of rules one must comply with in order to make it through the front door.  On certain days of the week you can't wear certain colors...and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  
    Anyway, I will definitely be back the next time I need a little ego boost.

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    Honestly this place is whatever you make of it. It can be a cougar's den, and it can be a place to just dance and chat with your friends and have fun. I do the latter and I have to say that I have made one or two lifetime friends at Mike's. The bartenders are quite rude with 2 or 3 exceptions, but everything else makes up for it. It's really the only place in this part of Bucks County that we have. It's a very nice neighborhood place with a whole slew of "regulars" including myself. I always have a great time there!

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    Wow. For the first five minutes, this was my overwhelming impression. And after 4 shots & 4 rum'n'cokes... my opinion was still just Eesh.

    "Den of cougars" barely brushes the surface of a description of this place. Some of the women here dress like disco balls. Others will booty-bash / hip-check you on the dance floor if they're feeling territorial... over the little old man breaking it Down for all the ladies. Then you've got some wannabe pimps, over-pierced trolls, and bad hair all around.

    I guess the music is O.K., but if my friends ever try to drag me here again I will decline or get my liquor on beforehand. Pretty sure those shots were nothing but sugar. And why on earth did we leave Philly to hit up this joint??

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    Went here Saturday night with a couple of coworkers.  Got there about 9:45pm, and found a parking spot.  Parking lot filled by 10:30pm.  No cover, and you get wanded by security on the way in. Not a big deal, and it doesn't hold up the line.

    Interior is beautiful and clean - wood dance floor, marble floors everywhere else, 5 separate bar sitting areas. They HAD to have subwoofers installed under the dance floor!  You could feel the bass underneath your feet!  They play all types of music, from 70s, 80s, and today, and they do mix it up.

    Clientele are DEFINITELY over 35, which is great by me, as I'm over 35 myself, lol.  As others have said, it's definitely a meat market!  
    Other thing too is that there is no smoking, except outside. I'm not a smoker, so that's a great thing for me!

    I really liked this place.  From my impressions of this place, it's definitely a gold mine.  Met a few great people, got to dance a bit, and had a couple of drinks too!  It's right off the PA Turnpike, literally right up the street from the Parx Casino.  

    I will be back, next time I'm in the area.

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    For a night out to see people of all ages, sex, color and creed Michael's is the place for sure. As my Dear Aunt has named it the Wrinkle Ranch (oh the stories she shared while working at the Comfort Inn) which we have also now adopted at its name.

    This is not the place to go to find the love of your life yet if you want night out with friends to have a few tasty beverages and shake your groove thing then the Wrinkle Ranch is the place to go.

    We have had many a good laugh while there at the sights but then again after a few tasty beverages we are a sight to behold ourselves yet we don't care that is why we go there.
    Yet if celebrating a friends birthday bewarned they will attempt to get you for $15 for bringing an outside cake in. Yet fooled them told them I would toss it away before I gave them that much to bring a cake in. So I left it on the window sill till the end of the night we had cake at the diner afterwards and they didn't charge us $15 bucks.

    So Dance and laugh the night away.

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    it is a freak show. but we did have the best time. the dj was great and everybody was dancing. but the dance floor could have been extra crowded because majority of the patrons were about 700 lbs. but we never had to wait for a drink. there was some stone wash jeans and other fashion faux pas. it did seem like if you were really desperate, you didnt have to go home alone if you didnt want to. we will def go back. but not to make new friends.

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    This is a huge disco with a really good sound system.  The djs are local radio guys, and there are big crowds on weekends.  Lots and lots of the guys who come here are greencarders (and probably some of them are illegals, so generously gracing our country with their presence) and ultra-aggressive with the women, groping them on the dance floor, etc.  A big aspect of the scene here is middle-age women looking to meet younger guys.  For middle-age guys, however, this joint is not at all promising.

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    If you are looking to hook w/ a mature person look no further!  This place is a notorious cougar den.  If you want to blend, you will need a time machine and bon ton credit card.  I once saw an old dude in a plaid blazer get shot down by 10 different women ages 25-70...

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    This is a meat market on the weekends (haven't been there during the week).  Drink prices are high ... music is fun ... and it's crowded.  I learned to go with friends and leave the significant other at home - you'll have a much better time.  No doubt, if you are drunk you won't want to drive out of that parking lot so be sure you have a designated responsible driver and go have fun!

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