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    Plenty of people who live in Springfield know that Mr. Eggroll is a nightmare. I'm here to warn the unsuspecting out-of-towners. As Ben mentioned, they have been shut down numerous times for serious health code violations. Anyone can see why- it's a run-down, dirty little building. I only made the mistake of ordering there once, against my better judgement and just trust me when I tell you I regretted it.

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    I called - they delivered - we ate - I barfed.  Never again...especially since they have been closed down by the health department at least twice since my experience.

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    Chinese drive-thru?  How odd and rare!  And the building itself is the strangest looking thing in town!

    I've eaten here once...but I'm biased and so I stick to my parents' cooking.  :-P

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    I lived in Springfield 10 years ago and this is one of the few places I remember. 24 hr drive thru chinese! Why don't they have you everywhere, Mr Eggroll? :(

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