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    Pot stickers, hmmmmmmm!!!! The rice is above average, and egg rolls are above average, but for the price, and the super quick delivery service, high marks baby!!

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    Ordered delivery. We were given the wrong food and couldn't catch the delivery man. When we called, they didn't believe us-- said that we ordered  wrong-- and that it would be two hours before they could redeliver. First impression and last impression- no.

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    Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in.
    Piggy: Not by the hair in my Cashew Chicken!

    I can be a little piggy sometimes, especially when I'm about to pass out from hunger.  I don't care where the crumbs fall or what grease ends up on my face, but as if the realization of my pigginess isn't disturbing enough, the pigginess paired with not-so-good food makes me feel even worse.

    I'm not a huge fan of Chinese food to begin with, but I had a hankering for egg rolls, so I decided to try N-Joy (II) as it's right off of my train stop.  Holy salty, Batman!!!  Wow!  Adding sweet sauce does not help (in fact, probably added more salt).  But seeing that I couldn't stop shaking from hunger, I ate them like the good little piggy-girl I can be.  

    I also ordered beef fried rice because, thanks to Neil (may God soothe his troubled soul), Chinese food is never complete without the "good-bad" fried rice.  This wasn't too bad; it actually had a good texture and wasn't dry, but again...salty.  I know I should expect salt from soy sauce, fish sauce, oyster sauce or whatever sauce is used in the cooking, but either I'm extra dehydrated today or the cook's taste buds are shot.  The meat WAS very tender, but was it beef??  It looked light in color, like pork.  Of course, I couldn't quite tell you what it was by flavor because all I could taste was sodium joy.  Needless to say, most of the dish remains almost pristine in its traditional folded-up box.

    That said, the people that work there were SUPER nice -- great sweetness to balance out the salt.  If I ever crave Chinese food in the neighborhood in the future, I would try them again just because of their friendly (and fast!) service, and because the Yelpers before me seem to really like this place.

    But for now...I'll *huff* and *puff*...and wash this salt down!  Excuse me while I down a bucket of water.

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    This is the only place to order Chinese from in the area. My family and I have been ordering carry out from here for years. Good food and it is ready fast! Plus, the prices are so cheap that we normally order two dishes for everyone so that we have lots of leftovers!

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    Great Place for Chinese Food that you want in a hurry.   Whenever my brother and I get a taste for Cheap Chinese, we head here.  :)

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