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    This place is literally the poorest restaurant on the southside, and that's hard to be.   It's only open for drunk people.  If you eat it sober , I challenge you to not have to #2 before your done.  It's so overpriced its a disgrace for the quality of food, and the owner, a middle age woman trIed to call the police on me because I questioned a burrito and chips being $17.  If I could give 0 stars I would, go to El gallo, Durango or any place else open you can....straight dog food.  How have they not been shit down?

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    I came here with a few friends one night for quick take out.  After weighing our options, we decided (on the advice of my fiance) to go to Burrito Station.

    The inside of the restaurant should have been our first indicator of how the food would be.  "Greasy spoon" doesn't describe it - it just seems dirty.  

    Let me tell you, it was one of the WORST burritos I've ever been served.  I got the chicken burrito.  The burrito was greasy and the chicken seemed to be the "bits and pieces" that are leftover - chewy, gummy, and generally not appetizing.

    The toppings on the burrito were sparse.  If you're going to skimp on the meat quality, you would think they'd make it up with tomatoes, lettuce, etc.  

    Bottom line: don't stop, keep driving.

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    I live in Morgan Park, about 4 blocks from Burrito Station ("B.S".) One night, desperate for a steak burrito, I stopped in. I thought, since it's under new management, the previously horrible food would have improved.
    I was wrong.  The steak burrito had very little "steak" and apparently had been marinated overnight in grease. Despite brushing my teeth and using copious amounts of mouthwash, the slimy aftertaste lasted for days.
    So much for patronizing local small businesses! Blue Island isn't that far away, and it's worth a trip to the Mexican restaurants there to escape the substandard fare at BS.
    Eat here at your peril !

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    I find the reviews before mine to be truthful and funny at the same time. If you have ever been to this place, then you would understand. Now, unlike them, I don't think the food is so horrible. I have been to an all night Mexican place and have literally gotten pure grease for salsa; however, it takes being inabreviated to go to Burrito Station  when the bars close to enjoy this place even halfway.
     To me, this place is just like any other "quick fix" joint to stop your stomach from either rumbling or you throwing up. I'm not gonna spend my review on the fake Mexican food here. Instead, I wanna talk about "who" comes here.

       First of all, there is always a crazy line here. It is not the slowst I've been in (stay away from taco bell in Wrigleyville after drinking). The people who work here get their job done and deal with drunken idiots. I commend them, because this is every night.

     However, in order to even eat inside,  you have to be a gross college age hoodrat who hasn't yet matured mentally and who wants to beat the hell out of anything moving. Maybe even killed someone. A good amount of people who come in here are pathetic. Now it's not everyone. I have seen people who give out a heavy annoyed sigh while waiting in line in one area and watching on the sidelines as a huge fight breaks out in the restaurant between some stupid hillbillies. Furthermore, I hear people's expressions of sympathy towards the people who work there since they have to call the police numerous amounts of times cause they don't want to waste their energy on some stupid punk kids. I always feel bad for the outsiders who come in here not even knowing what they are getting into as they quietly sit down expecting to enjoy theyr food (somewhat) without confrontation.

     Read Jordan's review about how it is inside this place. I was ROFL cause his review was so true. I don't even try to eat in this place anymore. Plus, you tend to just stop after a certain age anyway when you know who goes in there. I too, have been there watching in line when females would cry loudly over god knows who while others eat. Then 20 minutes later you got the same girls (hair all messed up, mascara runnin down their eyes, dresses pulled up to their crotches, shirt halfway off, hell, maybe one shoe off) looking over at whoever's eyes they catch. If you even try to stare you are sucked in. Next comes  the "who the hell you looking at?" as they approach to try to push or throw a drink  backed up by their drunken, idiotic friends who look just as crappy as they do staggering over. Then, just as they are told to sit down and stop bothering people *tah dah*! Their "I'm too tough for my own good" drunken botfriends get in on it and it's like being at a frat party minus the chads. Yuk.

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    I completely agree with Crystal R.'s review. I came here one friday night just before all the bars closed and wow. Really. I'm trying to find a word that matches the feeling of impending doom. Anyways, the food here is nasty. But for some reason people flock to this place. I mean, line out the door type shit. It's actually quite rediculous. I ordered some tacos from some guy that looked like he just got out of prison, same goes for the guy cooking the food. As it turns out carne asada at this place means fat. Lots of fat. 90% of my taco was fat. That was bad decision #1. Now for bad decision #2, eating in. Holy hell. The bars just closed and now I was in a smelly, fat laden, testosterone laced, etc... It was if pandora's box had been opened. And I'm not talking about my ex's vag. People were yelling, throwing food around, I was getting hard looks while eating my tacos, people were throwing up in the bathroom, there were two girls crying on opposite ends of the dining room, people were getting in eachothers faces, 3 cop cars were outside... I was seriously expecting to be attacked by a bear. It would have been fitting the way this was turning out. Finally I said we have to go. I couldn't take it any more. As soon as I made it to my car it was like someone slapped me in the face with a handfull of xanax. It felt good. So spare yourself something out of a bad movie and go somewhere else.

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    I ate a burrito here after drinking for 22 hours straight. This is not an exaggeration. I was very tired. I was extremely drunk. I was terribly hungry. Given the circumstances, there was no reason this burrito should have tasted anything but delicious even if it wasn't.

    This was not a good burrito. And an orange girl with fake blond hair stole a french fry from my friends plate on her way to the bathroom.


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