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    I was hoping to find a cozy spot to have a drink and a bite with my wife one evening after work. A reprieve from The Ram mostly because we always meet up at the Ram and I'm getting a little burnt on that place.
    I have been wanting to check this place out for a while now but couldn't get the wife to go with me. So I finally convince her to meet me there for a drink.
    I arrived before her and good thing too because I had the opportunity to get the lay of the land; and let me tell you, there ain't much lay.
    The interior is suffocating, some might say cozy. Bar keep was minus a personality. My wallet fell onto the footstep at the bar, when I retrieved it, it was wet :-/ And it WAS NOT raining or snowing outside.
    Beer ran $5 and was a healthy mug of German, although it seemed to take longer than needed to get from the tap to me (not sure why - 6 feet).
    Three other people in the place besides the bartender and I. One lady who I think worked there was watching the Hawks game. The other two were potty mouthed young men playing pool that liked to use the F word as an adjective, adverb, verb, AND noun. Lucky me!
    I immediately called the wife, waived her off and told her that I would meet her at the RAM :-(
    Tip - CASH ONLY

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    this place rocks.

    the guy told me he couldn't make me a martini....hey, whatever, it's a dive bar in the middle of nowhere.  What was I thinking? I wasn't.You can get good german beer here for cheap.

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    This place is an honest to goodness dive bar, so like someone said, if you're expecting something more posh, you'll be highly disappointed.

    This is a bar with pretty decent draught beer that is also pretty inexpensive. And they not only have food, but FREE food. And I'm not just talking pretzels at the bar. They had hot dogs w/ the fixin's last night. Apparently on Saturdays they have pizza (though we were warned, it's only sausage pizza, so if you're vegetarian you'd be outta luck). The patrons were friendly, the bartender was friendly, no complaints there. Oh, and they have live music apparently on Saturdays. I don't care what kind, I just think it's awesome they have it!

    In summary -  This place is not too far from where I live (and even closer to where I work). Cheap, decent beer. Free food. Live music. Adds up to a great night out as far as I'm concerned.

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