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    I was hoping to find a cozy spot to have a drink and a bite with my wife one evening after work. A reprieve from The Ram mostly because we always meet up at the Ram and I'm getting a little burnt on that place.
    I have been wanting to check this place out for a while now but couldn't get the wife to go with me. So I finally convince her to meet me there for a drink.
    I arrived before her and good thing too because I had the opportunity to get the lay of the land; and let me tell you, there ain't much lay.
    The interior is suffocating, some might say cozy. Bar keep was minus a personality. My wallet fell onto the footstep at the bar, when I retrieved it, it was wet :-/ And it WAS NOT raining or snowing outside.
    Beer ran $5 and was a healthy mug of German, although it seemed to take longer than needed to get from the tap to me (not sure why - 6 feet).
    Three other people in the place besides the bartender and I. One lady who I think worked there was watching the Hawks game. The other two were potty mouthed young men playing pool that liked to use the F word as an adjective, adverb, verb, AND noun. Lucky me!
    I immediately called the wife, waived her off and told her that I would meet her at the RAM :-(
    Tip - CASH ONLY

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    this place rocks.

    the guy told me he couldn't make me a martini....hey, whatever, it's a dive bar in the middle of nowhere.  What was I thinking? I wasn't.You can get good german beer here for cheap.

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    This place is an honest to goodness dive bar, so like someone said, if you're expecting something more posh, you'll be highly disappointed.

    This is a bar with pretty decent draught beer that is also pretty inexpensive. And they not only have food, but FREE food. And I'm not just talking pretzels at the bar. They had hot dogs w/ the fixin's last night. Apparently on Saturdays they have pizza (though we were warned, it's only sausage pizza, so if you're vegetarian you'd be outta luck). The patrons were friendly, the bartender was friendly, no complaints there. Oh, and they have live music apparently on Saturdays. I don't care what kind, I just think it's awesome they have it!

    In summary -  This place is not too far from where I live (and even closer to where I work). Cheap, decent beer. Free food. Live music. Adds up to a great night out as far as I'm concerned.

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    Imagine the corpse of a urine-soaked Bengay-slathered hobo on the Red Line. But the rail car is inexplicably stranded at the Jarvis station, and the toxic-cadaver-eating vermin have begun to expire as well. And no one notices for a week.

    That would halfway explain the malodorousness of this establishment.

    This is not poetic license.

    I'm a dive bar fan, an aficionado if you will, but this experience will haunt me for life.

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    Dive bars...love 'em!  This place, not so much.

    Went on a recent weeknight and our group of 5 outnumbered the entire population of the bar.  The bartender seemed somewhat nice, but the vibe was 'you do not belong here.'  We did stay and have a few beers, which were fine.  (In the few hours we were there, the bartender had no fewer then 5 shots of Jager.)

    What made it unfriendly was the fact that for the first hour, there was no music.  My one buddy then put some music into the jukebox.  (Classic/modern rock, nothing too out there.)  The music was at a nice volume, so it was decent background noise.  The bartender then went over, put in a bunch of money and we were then subjected to Iron Maiden/Slayer type music, which he promptly turned up to full volume, so you couldn't here the person next to you talk.

    If not for the attitude, it is a typical dive bar.

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    If you're looking for the Wrigleyville experience replete with gourmet burgers and cocktails festooned with fruit and paper umbrellas, don't look here.

    This is a dive bar. More to the point, tho, it's exactly what a dive bar SHOULD be. A few good beers on tap -- Miller (i think?), Spaten and Dab; a nice selection of bottled beers; old creaky wooden floors; dim lighting; no kitchen, but informal bring-in eats; $1-a-game pool on a threadbare table; foosball; and a friendly down-to-earth staff and regulars.

    I love dive bars. I grew up in them and for me they're comforting and homey, Old Munich Inn is my new favorite dive bar. If you don't like them, keep driving.

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    Well, its as good as it gets for hole in the wall dive bars and as far as I'm concerned that is as good as it gets. This is the kind of place where you can pass out for an hour or two and wake up an be served again. Bring your best knife cause this is one hell of a hoot 'n anny! or maybe a shindig? Who cares lets drink!

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    From Reinhard Heydrich to Angela Merkel, the Stanger usually has a deep appreciation for Gerry's and their funny little culture...until now...

    Being a man of adventure, the Stanger took his exploits up north to the Wheeling area.  Stanger was crusin' down Milwaukee Ave and spotted what the Stanger assumed to be an oasis in a desert of typical corporate chain style places.  This oasis was named Old Munich Inn.

    Stanger was salivating for a Miller Lite at this point, so Stanger parked the Stange and went in for a brewski.  Stanger opened the door and was instantly appalled by the stench of this place.  The Stanger hasn't smelled something this bad since he took a deep breath in Northwest Indiana.  

    I know, I know, Stanger, brother, how was the beer?

    Stanger thought the brew was good and cheap, which helped this place's cred, except that damn smell never went away.  To top off the experience, a total pig at the end of the bar was trying to get the Stanger's attention and the Stanger just wasn't in the mood for hoggin'.

    Stanger thinks the Krauts really need to think about changing the name of this place to Die Scheißloch.


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    This could be one of the worst places I have ever been. Maybe they had a septic problem, but the overwhelming stench of urine throughout the bar did not seem to bother the staff or the regulars, so I assume they must be used to it.

    Cash only, no cards - WTF??????

    The regulars were not receptive to our group, and were highly offended when we moved the giant gnome for pictures.

    There was food on the counter, hard boiled eggs and a veggie and pressed meat tray. I was not adventurous enough to try either, but the one person in our group who did said the veggies were good and the eggs were not cooked all the way - eew.

    So why two stars? Well, they have parking. The bartender was polite. The jukebox had lots of options. Other people were eating and drinking here and seemed happy. The pool table was clean. And to Jack's point, yes, this place could be a setting in a scary movie. Only I was thinking more Hostel than Steven King.

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    I really like this place.

    Jack's descriptions of the building and interior are perfect.  It's pretty divey, but sometimes its nice to get away from the same ole sh*t.

    But, lets talk about drinks and food.  Very good prices on drinks.  You can get a small glass, 1/2 or full liter of Dab (and some other yucky brand....but you don't want that).  If you want to seem like a regular, order a "1/2 a Dab", which will get you a full mug of a pretty good German beer.  I think its like $4.25 or something silly like that.

    Next, yes, free food!  We went new year's ever, and not only did they have the hard boiled eggs at the bar, but a brat bar, potato salad, pickles, etc.  YUMMY!!  And I think they usually have some sort of sandwich or food on a daily basis.

    Hospitality was stupendous.  We were obviously the only non-regulars there, but everyone was so nice, explaining inside jokes to us, encouraging us to eat more....

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    If you really enjoy dive bars, this place is the poster child of dive bars. We were thinking this was a German restaurant, but no!

    The building itself as you approach it looks like something from a Stephen King novel, perhaps set in the Catskills of upstate New York. Let's just say the entrance does not instill confidence from the standpoint of the health department nor the American Association of Designers. It's like going into someone' scary basement.

    But once you get in there, it's a bar full of patrons, a friendly and attractive barmaid who will tell you yes they DO have food. And it's free! Free hard-boiled eggs, pizza and something else I've now forgotten. Free with the drinks. Drinks are cheap. Peeps are friendly. But this is like a place that was picked up somewhere in the U.P. or northern Wisconsin, by a tornado, and plopped down on this now chain-filled, bordering on upscale strip of Milwaukee Ave.  But if you are up for a decidedly downwardly-mobile experience, check it out.

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