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    Looks like a VFW or American Legion canteen, but it is a public bar. It's filled with military memorabilia and tons of interesting wall hangings. They offer darts and pool, and a jukebox with selections I haven't heard elsewhere in years.  No bottled beer- a few on tap, but a full liquor bar, and great bartenders.  If you are looking or a place to sit and talk, you can actually hear the person sitting next to you without straining.

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    You must experience this bar. I don't want to give away all the secrets, but suffice to say the exterior does no justice to what's inside. Granted, this isn't for everyone, but here's some hits for those who are inclined:

    Miller High Life on tap

    Pool is fifty cents a round

    Some of the things on the walls: German Fokker tailfin from WWI, signed Jack Nicklaus memorabilia, beer girl pinups going back 40 years, a working fire place.

    If you're ever up in the NE, you have to swing by here just to look around. Friendly, local staff are always glad to see a new face.

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