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    Cool spot and great music but it's small space .

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    Stopped into Postcrypt Coffeehouse to listen to a friend of mine play. The venue is very interesting; located in the basement of a church at Columbia University, it is the perfect spot for artists, musicians and poets alike. Limited seating provides an intimate setting, which allows you to experience more of what the artist is feeling, while he or she is performing.

    Bring cash, they do not accept credit cards, but have a good selection in terms of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.  

    Had a wonderful time and can't wait to have the chance to go there again.

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    There was a red glisten to her face and her voice rang through the room clear and brave. It was small and packed, but somehow it felt like just enough space. It didn't feel crowded, it felt cozy. Somehow.

    "Come buy some cookies and our assortment of beers. Non-alcoholic ones, like Ginger and Root."

    From the stage she said it was one of her favorite spaces in all of New York. She asked if it had really been a crypt. The 'management' joked it had been a storage closet. Whether it had been a crypt they didn't know. She suggested they should have lied and simply said it was.

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    A very cool, intimate, acoustically crisp place to hear some music.  Not a lot of people know about it, although its always tight there because its SO small (and most of the students probably know about it).  I haven't been there in years, but I know its still happening and I'd like to go soon.  Its one of those little gems in the city.  Theres something cool about being in the basement of a small chapel at one of the oldest universities right here in Manhattan....maybe its a little spooky!  They serve beverages and snacks, its a casual set up.  Mostly up and coming artists, but some well known folk have passed through there I believe.  Definitely, check it out!

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    One of the oldest (since the 60's) and finest college coffeehouses, located in the basement of St Paul's Chapel at Columbia. Totally acoustic, totally free, totally hip. <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.columbia.edu%2Fcu%2Fpostcrypt%2Fcoffeehouse%2F&s=e390cd5aee11af1e7261f2169c98fef6ab07fd134dd971064e9dc3460338bdf1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.columbia.edu/…</a>

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