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    What Thursdays are like, --- A crowd, mostly guys. Its one dollar beer night there so college kids go there and flood the area to the point of you cant walk. Theres a DJ and  he has a good selection. Two bartenders there so you might have to wait a bit for your drink.

    What Fridays and Saturdays are like ---Dead.

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  • 0

    Good decision: join a volleyball league

    Bad decision: go drinking after a game

    Good decision: go drinking at Pourhouse 17 after a game

    Bad decision: go drinking at Pourhouse 17 after a game on a weekday

    Good decision: repeating the process the following week

    Bad decision: repeating the process the following week

    I like this place.  Strong drinks.  Lazy service (the better to slow your roll with) and always a character or two roaming the bar to have a laugh with.

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    My friends and I were looking for a place to grab some drinks on a Saturday night and we were having a hard time choosing a spot. It seems like North Jersey either has really divey bars or jam packed clubs. We weren't in the mood for either. We wanted a place to grab a table and sit and chat but still have some nice atmoshere and people around.
    Pourhouse 17 was exactly that. The bar is big with chairs all around it and there are quite a few tables around the sides. In the back was a pool table and some dart boards. The crowd was a mix of 20s and 30s and everyone was just relaxing and socializing.
    We will be going back.

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