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    I Found the spot. I have been looking around for a couple of years and I believe I have found the best coffee shop in Elgin. The coffee is amazing especially when Daniel Craig (Kudos) brews it. The place is comfortable, warming, and a great spot to relax and enjoy a good cup of Coffee. The sandwiches they offer are simple but tasty. The Barista's  are welcoming and very friendly. Love the place so much I will be coming back daily.

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    I had really high hopes for this place. Great location, nice logo...but after trying last night, very disappointed in the coffee. It's not too hard to do coffee better than Starbucks, but this was much worse. I'm thinking it's not fresh roasted, or something went way wrong while making it. I couldn't finish half of it. Suggestion: Get your beans from a place that roasts fresh (Intelligentsia, Metropolis, Conscious Cup), and/or train you employees. Something's wrong with your main ingredient for almost everything you sell. My wife got a hot chocolate and was also let down. Sounds like it was made with water and a couple scoops of instant cocoa--not steamed milk and quality cocoa syrup.

    I don't know if this was just because it was a really busy night (Elgin's Zombiefest Night), but they didn't serve with real mugs--just cheap, unbranded styrofoam cups.

    Some of the staff was friendly, some a bit rude and frustrated. When I asked for a glass of water I got two waving hands and an exclamation, "What kind of water?! (soundling like a frustrated Napolean Dynamite).

    I'd really like the place to be better, thus the long review. I hate to slam the place, but think these are things that could be fixed--and really need to if you want to succeed. The one place you can beat the mega-coffee chains is having fresh beans, and better drinks. Make some killer espresso, and really fancy latte art in real mugs with some inspired recipes. Go visit The Wormhole, or Intelligentsia in Chicago for some ideas of things that are working really well. Work a bit on the ambiance and signage for the menus.

    The biggest disappointment is the coffee quality. Fix that first. The only way people are saying they like it if they're getting a drink with only 30% espresso and 70% milk and sugar. I had a boilermaker (just coffee and espresso), to get a sense of the quality. I would have ordered an espresso, but it looked like I'd be served in a tall styrofoam cup, so I passed.

    I won't go into details on this one, but get a bigger garbage can with properly sized liners. Serving bad coffee, and having a poor garbage liner that's too small for the can means lots of messes for you to clean up.

    Giving two stars because the location is awesome, the logo's cool, and you really could make this place great. But the coffee rating is 0 stars.

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    Wonderful place to catch up with a friend or colleague.  Hard to beat a comfortable environment, great coffee, and friendly service from a local business.

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    Great little coffee shop in downtown Elgin!  Loved it and will be back...pretty good sized crowd for a Saturday afternoon.

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    Great coffee, free wifi, and friendly people. Without the hustle and bustle of big chain coffee shops.

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    This is a cool spot. Friendly service, laid back atmosphere. It's a very under rated coffee shop.

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    I met up with a couple girlfriends to catch up on our busy lives over some coffee, and this was a perfect place to do just that. i wasn't impressed by their sandwiches - it was like something your mom made for your lunch, but it was still tasty I guess. The coffee was good though, and the atmosphere is great for a quick rendezvous.

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    This place is slightly more comfortable than the average Fox River Valley coffee shop. It still has that thrown together, strip mall coffee shop feel inside but at least it decorated like a hotel lobby (I'm talking to you Arcedium!).
    The best thing about this pace is the high tables. They are perfect for sitting and typing away at my laptop, without giving you the backache that many normal coffee shop tables will give you after a few hours.
    The coffee is decent but nothing to write home about. The sandwiches are actually pretty good, although not really special in any way. If you want a solid ham and swiss sandwich this is a good place to get it.
    The staff is friendly but you definitely don't get a strongly welcoming vibe. I'm not sure if I care about this, but it is worth mentioning.
    To be honest I don't know how this place is still in business. I have been spending my unemployed afternoons here, surfing job sites, and there are always the same three people here.
    If you don't need Wi-Fi go to Domani, but otherwise this is your best bet in Elgin.

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    Dude! You can't give a guy dark roast when he asks for decaf!!

    But since it was before noon and the guy was cool and admitted his mistake, I will still give 4 stars for quality coffee and atmosphere.

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    hidden, coffee isnt very good, waaaaay too expensive for a little coffee shop.

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    There is new ownership as of October. The place is much more cozy and they now offer a wide variety of sandwiches, snack foods, soups, and pastries. If you haven't been in since after October 1st I would check it out again! Visit their website to check out all the new menu items at <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fravenheartcoffee.com&s=21d2f89f9a7653f9485a8ae0e4e1ef94ff0b3fd0d81ef2422867ab6c8e460a0a" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://ravenheartcoffee.…</a>

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    I have gone to Ravenheart more than once, so this review is based off of several negative experiences that I have had. I was at Ravenheart doing some work, and was debating buying a coffee. I asked the employee when the last time the coffee was brewed. She looked at me and shrugged, saying "I dunno, I just got here 45 minutes ago."

    She started pouring me a cup, and reached the bottom of the urn, so there wasn't quite enough for a full cup. She looked at me and said "I guess I'll brew a fresh pot. I'll let you know when it's done." I mean, come on now.  

    Now, I've worked at coffee shops, and chemically, coffee starts breaking down after 15 minutes. This is why it is standard procedure at Starbucks and Caribou to brew every half hour (even 7-11 brews every half hour). For being a coffee shop, their coffee is poor, and their prices are high.

    I don't want to give it one star because the space is not so bad, they have a nice selection of magazines and ample room for seating. I just won't be going back.

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    The staff are polite, and the drinks are good.  A nice place to have a quiet drink, or meet with friends.

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