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    I'm always on the lookout for some good chicken teriyaki and this place was quite a disappointment. Though, my sushi was excellent.
    Maybe I missed it when looking at the menu, but I was served fried rice with my meal, instead of steamed?
    The service was fine. No complaints, there.

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    It's decorated nicely, and very sleek looking, but the food leaves A LOT to be desired.  My wife and I ate here on a Thursday night.  There were only about four other customers in the restaurant, and apparently only one server running the whole thing.  Needless to say the service wasn't nearly as attentive as it should be.  My wife ordered the large bowl from the round top grill, and I had some sashimi.  The choice of fish for sashimi was extremely disappointing, as they only had the most basic choices. The quality of the sashimi was pretty much the same as everywhere else in the Quad Cities, not bad, but nothing to brag about. The seafood choice from the round top grill was also disappointing.  They only had imitation crab meat, and the shrimp were very small, very tough, and VERY fishy tasting, leading us to believe they weren't very fresh at all.  She had to ask if she could have rice instead of noodles, and nobody knew for sure.  They practically had to have a conference meeting to decide if she could have rice.  What kind of Japanese restaurant doesn't offer rice as a choice?  When the bill came, the price of the sashimi was more than what it had said on the menu.  Apparently they had the prices mixed up, but haven't made any effort to change it on the menu or inform customers.    Needless to say we won't be going back unless they make some big changes.

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    Just back in the QC for the summer and tried it out.  The decor is well done, the wait-staff is eager to be great but need some detail training, cocktails are good, and the sushi very well done. The wine list needs improvement - very entry level.

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    We stopped for a late lunch on Sunday. I am learning to love sushi one baby step at a time. I ordered the tuna martini and if presentation counts, this was an amazing dish. We were astounded that anything with such artistry could be served so quickly. My boyfriend was impressed with his salmon and my tuna was seared to perfection.

    I can't decide if the people watching of mall traffic is distracting or entertaining. Next time I might face away from the mall corridor to up the ambience. My only other concern was that the server was trying to take my plate before I was finished. We were the only diners so they didn't need the table.  I usually discount these things as a lack of understanding on my behalf of some cultural norm such as a clean table shows great respect.

    We will definitely return.

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