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    I struggled with this review.  [Re-Fresh] Lounge is brand new - it's been open since the beginning of October.  I was really excited to try this place as I'm fairly new in town and I have wanted to try Cafe Fresh for months.

    First the good - The service was really good.  Our waitress was friendly and attentive.  Also the decor is very loung-y.  It is a big city lounge type atmosphere here in the QCA.  I thought the prices were very fair (especially with Happy Hour specials - at least I guess they were running specials b/c the menu clearly said my drinks were $8, but when I got the bill it had been knocked down to $6.42 each).

    Now the bad - the menu, or lack there of.  I can understand not wanting to make things complicated, but they share a kitchen with Cafe Fresh so why not offer the same menu?  [Re=Fresh] currently offers a menu with 5 items (three appetizers and two pizzas).  Not only do they share a kitchen, but they are connected to Cafe Fresh - there are big double doors that open from [Re-Fresh] to Cafe Fresh.  You can actually see Cafe Fresh when sitting in the lounge.  This is an important point in that when we inquired about a more extensive menu we were told we'd have to leave the lounge and walk 10 feet over to Cafe Fresh and eat there.  We didn't.  Now onto the food - I got the Steak Nachos.  Very sub par, they were going for presentation over substance.  I ate the good stuff and left a plate full of chips.  Just about everyone in our group got the Chipotle Chicken Pizza and that was a good value - the taste was very appealing and the portions were large.  

    Ok so now that I've broken it down I've changed my rating from 2 stars to 3 stars.  But for the really sub par nachos the experience was pleasant.  I just wish they would compromise - keep the menu after say 8pm simple, but when we were there at 6pm they could have easily served food items from Cafe Fresh.

    PS:  [Re-Fresh] is so new there is no website.  Look for them on Facebook.  Yelp wouldn't let me link to their Facebook page for some reason.

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