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    it is finished.

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    I have been here about 4 times, and every time I have had a good time.  For a little "side bar" this place can get pretty busy.  I agree that the bar staff are a unhelpful at times, but for the most part I have gotten my drinks in a acceptable time frame.  I have not had any problems with the DJ other than, for a small establishment, he might want to be a little more willing to play songs requested, but hes a DJ and not a jukebox.  

    I think if they actually went out of their way to be a little more friendly and had some better drink prices, and did a little promotion this place would be packed!

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    Girls night out...we finished dinner and headed down to the fountain area to hear the outdoor band...we got there late and the band played their last encore...heard some music coming from the Sidebar and our group walked in, went right to a table and sat down and waited...and waited....there was 5 of us girls wanting to dance and have a couple of drinks. The band was actually very good (3 members) playing blues and easy rock music.

    We continued to wait for a waitress - there was none...and there were waiters or the owners, no sure which, who would walk from the outside bar to the inside...and never came by our table. I noticed that the place was getting pretty full and they never went to any tables...the crowd from the outdoor concert still wanted to party and had come in to hear this music.  The Sidebar personnel had every opportunity to make some serious alcohol money...and nothing. It was a serious no brainer to everyone at my table that they needed waiters or waitresses.

    Wanting a drink, I headed to the bar and asked "what kind of flavored vodka's do you have?" the bartender answers "we have lots"...I ask "do you have whipped cream?" he answers "no". He was gruff and almost to the point of rude...which surprised me as he wasn't busy. Then he asks "do you want to open a tab?" I said no and do you have vanilla vodka...which he had. Out of 5 of us, I had a vodka and my friend had a beer.

    This bar has every opportunity to become a local hot spot. Its sad that the people in this bar have no idea that word of mouth is a huge marketing tool...and customer service is key...people work hard for their money and expect some kind of service when taking the night out on the town. If Sidebar expects to last...they need to change their approach...or change their management and get a clue.

    We left at 9:30...which is pretty early for us party girls....

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