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    Ready for some constructive criticism Snuggery?   As a disclaimer, I did come on your first night of opening.  BUT, since you are owned by a medium-sized restaurant operator I guess I expected more, seeing as how you've done this opening thing before.  
    First, the ladies upstairs can make drinks.  Have them teach whoever was at the downstairs bar how to do so.  A mojito is supposed to have the mint muddled, not in solid untouched leaves, with too much carbonated water.  I ended up having to muddle with a straw.  
    Second, I'm sure the wait staff will become more familiar with the menu as time goes by.  We had to ask for things that were supposed to come with our meal according to the menu (sides, sauces, etc).  
    Third, some of your food tastes good and some of it not so good.  I realize you are a bar, but there is another chain bar less than 15 yards away that does have tasty food and this is Elmhurst.  Im sure you did a demographic analysis (again, because you have been in this business for awhile) and you know most of your patrons will actually want food.  
    Fourth, you've got some good kids as wait staff.  Support them, I can tell they are trying hard.   And the place looks great, you did a great remodel!  Overall, welcome to the neighborhood and I agree with Courtney M. - Elmhurst needs you so step it up!

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    First night it opened they had a soft opening and you needed a reservation. No problem. I went back the next day and it was crazy busy. The hostesses were very polite and helpful when I asked if there were any other places to sit because of the crowd. They informed us of upstairs and I had a blast. The place was amazing. Good selection of beer, crazy talented bartenders, and the prices were reasonable. You will see me here again. Hope everyone tries this place out.

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    OK, so I feel bad, but I gotta be honest. This place just opened last night, and we went there last night, and again tonight....
    Last night, first impression was "I love this place" Great atmosphere, especially the outside tables. Prices are so-so... To give you an idea, my bf and I each had two drinks, and we ordered an app (wisconsin cheese curds) and one entree (steak salad) - total was about $50 before tip. Drinks were good, and the cheesecurds were good, although VERY few in number. The salad, well, leaves a lot to be desired, to say the least. Steak was good, but minimal, as was the lettuce, surprisingly. LOTS of onions and radishes, but little actual salad. OK, so pretty much as to be expected. As far as I've always known, the Snuggery is more a place to drink and eventually ordered greasy bar food. Not exactly a 5-star-white-tablecloth kind of place....
    So we went back tonight (since there arent a lot of choices for places to sit outside in DT elmhurst)... Again, LOVE the atmosphere, great place in the shade, comfortable chairs, good service, friendly staff. But to be honest - the food was just plain awful. And I am NOT a picky eater... at ALL. Very disappointing because I love the atmosphere of the place and the ppl are friendly and being able to sit outside on a beautiful summer night is amazing. But the food is so bad, I doubt I will be back.
    Management was very nice and seemed receptive to honest feedback, so Im hoping this place gets better. I'd hate to end up having to go back across the street, where the food is good, but the service sucks!!
    Also hoping this place gets some big screens outside, so I have a place to watch the games.
    I truly wish these guys the best because DT Elmhurst needs them!! They got everything else right, just need to improve the quality of food!
    Only time will tell!

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