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    I vacillated between 3 and 4 stars for Demito's. It's a standard local bar that has a great patio. However, the bartenders make it a 4 for me. Joe is great - always willing to share a cowboy hat, makes the best lemon drop shots in the Western suburbs and even lends a towel when angry girlfriends dump their drinks on you. Thanks, Joe!

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    My guy and I LOVE this place.  We aren't bikers, we aren't regulars, but the staff always treats you like you are.
    We love the atmosphere, especially sitting outside in the summer listening to the AWESOME jukebox.  The food is bar food, but after a few beers, it tastes like heaven.  We love coming here, and will continue to...

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    My husband did carry out today for fish and chips on Good Friday and I couldn't believe how horrible it was. I mean who can really mess up "chips and chips." ?? The fish was like from a third world country and the fries? They were not even fries, I  am not sure what that was. It was like paper think burnt plantains and tasted like carbon. I was in shock that I would get a third world country dish in my neighborhood.

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