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    I vacillated between 3 and 4 stars for Demito's. It's a standard local bar that has a great patio. However, the bartenders make it a 4 for me. Joe is great - always willing to share a cowboy hat, makes the best lemon drop shots in the Western suburbs and even lends a towel when angry girlfriends dump their drinks on you. Thanks, Joe!

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    My guy and I LOVE this place.  We aren't bikers, we aren't regulars, but the staff always treats you like you are.
    We love the atmosphere, especially sitting outside in the summer listening to the AWESOME jukebox.  The food is bar food, but after a few beers, it tastes like heaven.  We love coming here, and will continue to...

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    My husband did carry out today for fish and chips on Good Friday and I couldn't believe how horrible it was. I mean who can really mess up "chips and chips." ?? The fish was like from a third world country and the fries? They were not even fries, I  am not sure what that was. It was like paper think burnt plantains and tasted like carbon. I was in shock that I would get a third world country dish in my neighborhood.

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    they sell bags!?

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    There is nothing special about this place, and man is it LOUD in there.

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    My favorite getaway.  The owner is extremely friendly and has been cleaning up the place over the last few years and has been doing a great job with it.  They have a great place to throw a party with free appetizers for your guests.  I love the Turkey melt as a wrap and the chicken enchilladas.  The food is very good now that her daughters are in the kitchen.  Only downside is you have to pay cash, so bring money with you and make sure you have enough to pay the hardworking bartenders and waitresses!

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    This afternoon was in Villa Park , so stopped by a bar & grill, called Demito Time. Its a well known bar in the old downtown Villa Park area. The bar was actually very busy for lunch. The bartender named Debbie was very nice and quickly served me my beer, shot of Jamenson and shot of Tobassco Sauce. I sat with her and her two friends Jackie and Dawn who were having lunch. They were very welcoming nice ladies so we did a shot together. I decided I would try out the food and ordered Blackened Chicken breast and a Salad. The food was very good and very inexpensive. The bar has drink specials throughout the week.  On todays date the domestic bottles were $2.00. As for entertainment in the past bands such as Just-n-Trouble and Everett Dean played there. In the warmer months the beer garden is open. They have large screen TVs, a digital juke box, two pool tables and a punching machine. I would describe the crowd at night as just fun people. The bar is friendly to the motorcycle rider community too. The bar is clean and has both bar seating and tables. I have to admit based on my bar/restaurant experience the owner Debbie Demito runs a very nice establishment. If in the area at lunch I say try it. For night life action it is a fun time. I would say it is in fact the best bar in Villa Park. I recommend it and thank Debbie, Jackie and Dawn for the enjoyable lunch. (:

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    Not happy that they don't pay their bands consistently, or according to their agreements.  Bleach played there last week, and even though they've packed the place in the past, they got half their agreed payment.

    Not cool.  

    I won't be going here again, because I care about local music and how bands get treated.  It's a shame.  Could have been a fun place.

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    We stopped by last Friday afternoon, because we were curious about the Yelp reviews.  I really liked the place.  Unpretentious & friendly.  The bartender was amazed when we showed her the Yelp app on my phone.  She was very attentive and professional without hovering.  We had some laughs.  The burgers were good.  I'd definitely go back, but the parking is a little tight.

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    I liked it better when it was a seedy place. They have a lunch buffet that is good and alot of grown ups playingbeanbag in the summertime. Why they want to play a kindegarten game is beyond my comprehension. I would rather see the rough seedy bikers return full force than dumb women playing bean bags and never shutting up

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    Though not great, this place is certainly better than it used to be.

    I remember coming here a few years ago and being pretty scared of being shivved on my way to the bathroom. I recall one time when a biker man came up to me and asked what I do for fun, I said that I read books, he then proceeded to ridicule books and anyone who reads them for fun... so much so that my BF and his group of friends felt the need to form a circle around me for protection until our pool game was over. Eep!

    Today it's a much less seedy place... don't get me wrong, it's still seedy as hell but it ain't what it used to be. They have all the average domestic beers, cheap pitchers, and what looks like good food... if you eat meat. The burgers are HUGE and smell delicious along with being grilled fresh for only a dollar- really, you can't beat that... though I try to uphold my personal pledge to not eat here... I don't trust places that serve greasy spoon style food but are too dark to actually see your food.

    A few pluses:
    -outdoor patio (not scenic though)
    -animal print chairs
    -jukebox... electronic
    -cheap food and beverages
    -the bar will often buy your group a shot or two if you look like you're having a good time

    A few non pluses
    -still kind of scary
    -I've been in here where a biker came in with no shirt on, sat down at the bar, and wore his pet python like a boa... some might consider this a plus but I truly believe in the no shirt, no shoes, no service rule
    -VERY dark
    -cops frequent this place to check in... maybe it's a god thing but it's scary that it's a stop on their nightly route.
    -they have a claw/grabber game with live lobsters in it and if you're able to catch one, they'll cook it up for free. It seems very cruel and those lobsters can't be that well taken care of. Boo to animal cruelty.

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